Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] some [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 BIG BRAAANG THEORY Jackson Infinity XL Pointiness is lent a friendlier aspect by this new Japanese Jackson , but do n't be fooled by appearances : herein lies some classic rock nastiness .
2 Japanese enterprises have not only developed some productive ways of organizing power internally ; they are also somewhat different in terms of their power ‘ around ’ the organization , to use Mintzberg 's ( 1983 ) phrase .
3 All teachers could usefully participate in an initial brainstorming exercise , sharing ideas and strategies , and perhaps suggesting some local sites or resources .
4 Depending on how exciting your holiday was , you could make some really exotic pictures , perhaps using some tiny shells , seaweed , brightly coloured tropical flowers and some pearls .
5 DOWN in Nashville , its capital , the 1990s boom in American country music has gone on long enough to prompt some heady forecasts .
6 Away from Bucharest and the constant oversight of his parents , Nicu perhaps developed some critical ideas about the realities of life in Romania for people outside the Communist élite .
7 I obviously made some fundamental mistakes within the first few days of my move .
8 I gave him a piece , which to my horror he popped straight into his mouth , for it was surely large enough to kill some half-dozen dragoons together with their horses .
9 For the strongest plank of the attitude theory of ethics lies precisely in the claim that if ethical propositions merely report some special kind of fact , then the special relation between moral judgement and action is inexplicable .
10 It was an achievement of greater significance than merely explaining some puzzling data .
11 For some strange reason bells have gone out of fashion with the young , but it only needs some careful marketing to bring them back in again ( something computer-controlled , with buttons ? ) .
12 Nivelle Elite , who all sired some excellent stock , some of which was exported to Australia and at the time of writing , has taken Best in Show at Club Championship Show level .
13 Chichester Harbour alone has some 1,298 hectares of mudflats , 164 hectares of sand , 611 hectares of Spartina marsh , and 42 hectares of saltmarsh .
14 As posthuman supremacists , the Seraphim apparently claimed some fellow feeling with these autocratic aliens .
15 The details of how they opened up the roof and lowered the man down through the tiles to the feet of Jesus are so vivid that the account obviously has some true foundation to it .
16 We broke into the single , locked cupboard , and although we only found some new clothes and shoes with jewellery stuffed up inside the toes we assured each other that Aisha received money from her lover and liked leaving me in the house with the children because it made it easier to cheat on her husband .
17 So expect some big changes to the type of tackle you will see at different events over the coming years .
18 It is consequently difficult to describe in a brief space , and the following account attempts only to indicate some basic features of government finance between 1471 and about 1534 .
19 The lease from 1580 worked well enough to provide some regular rent for the society , even after Daniel 's death just before 14 May 1581 , when he was buried in Crosthwaite church .
20 This is because Culpitt endeavours not only to provide some useful insights into such thorny issues as welfare rights and obligations as well as the concept of need ( which should be read in conjunction with Doyal and Gough 's ( 1991 ) recent analysis ) but also to chart the way in which the management of welfare has been transformed as a result of the drift towards privatization and the emerging emphasis on the purchase rather than the provision of welfare in the public sphere .
21 It can greatly assist some deafened people to become speed speechreaders .
22 Layla , our loving secretary , has at last learned that when she 's adamantly refusing some tenacious committee member and I say , ‘ Here , give me the phone .
23 I was quite enthusiastic about the chance of meeting a God-King , perhaps establishing some useful contacts among his courtiers .
24 The fact that peasants seized opportunities to enrich themselves is put down to sheer good sense , an unproblematic response to structural changes , while the conviction that the Camisard prophets and prophetesses spoke with the voice of the Holy Spirit is regarded as obviously serving some psychological function .
25 If you are waiting for God to suddenly send some new blessings , you 'll wait for eternity !
26 I was woken from this stupor by the roar of an engine , and naturally thought some bloodthirsty Jerry had come to finish me off .
27 The last three elections were all foregone conclusions , and the last-minute swings against the party that was clearly going to win in two of them — against the Tories in 1979 and 1983 — probably only reflected some floating voters ' desire not to see any party have too large a majority .
28 By now , anyone ill-informed enough to imagine some elderly Miss Whiplash will have been put right .
29 The expectation that the Afro-Caribbean and Asian minorities would simply blend into a homogeneous British or even English stew , perhaps adding some harmless spice , was revealed as not only hopelessly unrealistic but symptomatic of a form of racism which regarded ‘ Britishness ’ and ‘ Westernness ’ as the only touchstones of cultural value .
30 Matters which are not thought fit for inclusion in the agreement itself ( perhaps to cover some short term matter affecting one partner alone ) can sometimes be accommodated by a side letter , though it must be signed by all partners to be binding on the firm .
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