Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] by a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is Tom Courtenay , the programme says so , but beneath a straggly white wig , black beret and tattered frock coat with trousers surely cast off by Cyril Smith and insecurely fastened by an army of safety pins , it is difficult to recognise him .
2 He burnt both retinas in his eyes , but was thankfully treated by a doctor in time , and has since completely recovered .
3 I have had two experiences in which the mental health problems of older people have been successfully treated by a homeopath .
4 In short , even a genuinely mulitilateral world system effectively dominated by an oligarchy of the important states , such as was envisaged in the Security Council as originally set up , would not be an international system in which most nations and nation-states played a significant role .
5 What we find in Guerrillas is a narrative of unfailing fascination which delivers to the senses of the reader a country very like the countries he knows in the real world : equally , his experience of that country is very like his experience of Naipaul 's India , in being rarely subdued by an awareness of the writer 's more deliberate meanings .
6 Yesterday 's drama came a year and a day after the North Yorkshire shootings in which Special Constable Glenn Goodman was killed and PC Sandy Kelly badly wounded by a hail of bullets fired by on-the-run IRA terrorist Paul Magee .
7 These ‘ signatures ’ were mostly added by an employee of Kahnweiler 's when they reached his gallery ; this was usually , though clearly not always , within a few weeks of being painted .
8 ( Liliaceae ) in the Malay Peninsula , while , on Fanning Island in the central Pacific , Pandanus tectorius is effectively dispersed by a land crab , Cardisoma carnifex , which moves fruits and discards the seeds .
9 The process of economic convergence , which after all is at the heart of plans for economic and monetary union , will be greatly eased by a return to positive economic growth in Europe and in the more immediate future by lower German interest rates .
10 And it was all compounded by a feeling not just of loneliness but more a sense of abandonment , as all the families she had known since childhood began to leave Baldersdale .
11 Our inding that EGF is depleted in oesophagitis is perhaps explained by a report that EGF has a relatively short duration of action ( <24 hours ) , so that continual stimulation by fresh EGF is required to maintain a mitogenic response , depleting stores of EGF in the endothelial cells .
12 But , if it 's only hanging by a thread , let it fall apart and build something new from the components .
13 The hearth itself was often fiercely guarded by a cook , and it would cause great offence if the ‘ lady of the house ’ spent any time in the kitchen , let alone tried to prepare a meal .
14 Special Edition The special edition of the title is a kind of newspaper , entirely filled by a one-man , sound-off column penned by Simon Fanshawe about the media and its presentation of news and current affairs .
15 He has shown that a black hole of mass M radiates like a black body at a temperature which only differs by a factor of 4π from the temperature deduced above .
16 One person with immobilising arthritis might continue to cope alone sustained by a network of friends and family .
17 This start was somewhat negated by an armour estimated at £11,000–£13,000 which failed to reach its reserve .
18 I know nothing of the circumstances of his illness , but he was dying angrily and his procrastinations could be sufficiently explained by a need to hold on to life , to defer events into the future .
19 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
20 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
21 [ I was ] so oppressed by a sense of sin that I felt almost as if I should die !
22 The window of the florist was still lit and entirely occupied by a funeral tribute , a football goal , carried out in white chrysanthemums .
23 Baldwin was cautious about the longer-term measures , and was constantly attracted by a lengthening of hours in order to assuage the sharpness of the wages conflict .
24 Almost entirely surrounded by a circle of water that formed part of the original fortifications , and still linked to its neighbours and the port of Zeebrugge about eight miles away by canals , Bruges ' attraction is that its medieval architecture is remarkably intact .
25 Our first glimpse of the islands , from the windows of the Royal Air Force Tri-star airliner , gave an almost tropical impression , with light brown plains and hills and beaches of pure white sand , all surrounded by an azure sea .
26 At last they decided to withdraw from the square and were on the point of departure when they were suddenly surrounded by a group of tough-looking soldiers , helmeted and armed .
27 Indeed , all in all , I can not see why the option of her returning to Darlington Hall and seeing out her working years there should not offer a very genuine consolation to a life that has come to be so dominated by a sense of waste .
28 The village , now blessedly encircled by a by-pass , was once on the main A4 , and before that , on the principal London to Bath stage route .
29 The section provides that the Secretary of State may make provisions by regulations in relation to revised accounts and reports which , in particular , may : — make different provisions according to whether the previous documents are replaced or merely supplemented by a statement of corrections ; deal with the functions of the auditors ; require the directors to take specified steps in relation to circulation to members and others entitled under section 238 ; laying before a general meeting and delivery to the Registrar ; and the application of provisions of the Act ( including penalties ) .
30 Her anger is so incandescent that , when her ageing mother is brutally attacked by a burglar , she falls under suspicion .
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