Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
2 I am only suggesting that you take a little time off , shall we say , until you are quite well again ? "
3 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
4 I had been in the armed forces long enough to know that you waited a long time for everything and I saw no reason why a dental appointment should be any different ,
5 As for houses , I am not going to touch on their security here , but merely suggest that you contact the Crime Prevention Officer at your local police station .
6 How many times have you reached the top of a ladder , only to find that you 've forgotten to bring the power drill up with you ?
7 How many cards have you spent hours punching out , only to find that you have a mistake and need to go back and stick tape over some holes to avoid the mistake being knitted .
8 In the end the opposing Counsel has apparently shown that you do n't know what you are talking about .
9 ‘ Are you regretting making love to me , ’ he grated , ‘ or are you only regretting that you made love to me instead of saving yourself for André ? ’
10 ‘ I hope you are so humiliated that you commit suicide . ’
11 ‘ And when you love a woman , ’ he said under his breath , ‘ it does n't necessarily follow that you want to express that physically .
12 ‘ I only know that you do !
13 I only meant that you have Joy , the gardener .
14 So it did n't necessarily mean that you get a squad of riveters that would stayed together all the time , erm for various reasons , as I say they may have been , unfortunately some of them might even die and therefore you had to make up the squad again
15 This last point does not necessarily mean that you have to be using a page description language but , for the moment at least , it amounts to the same thing .
16 However , this does not necessarily mean that you need to do lots of different kinds of exercise .
17 Right so you 're only ask that you did n't underline and that your illustrations could be better as well and the handwriting is a bit spidery , right , good , brave , right , go on
18 I merely ask that you keep a sceptical , but open mind and ask for nothing more than that you check the figures given to you .
19 ‘ I had not seen you for over six months , ma'am , it was merely surprise that you have lost a little colour … ’
20 ( It is not enough to say that you learnt martyrhood from your parents .
21 You , you apologized for lateness the only thing I wonder on there is er you know it 's ea it 's easy enough to say that you did n't actually sort of clarify the time that you were gon na be there , you just accepted that you were late erm but I mean that 's a you know ju just a point I wonder that rather than apologizing straight of all , straight , straight away if you knew you were late then that was one thing that perhaps you could 've got that in the initial greeting .
22 Last night 's mystery was set in an open prison so relaxed that you wondered if the female governor went round tucking up the inmates at night .
23 It 's a good enough excuse that you need to check for gaffs , but the real reason for dry-assembly is to see what this hitherto fictitious table looks like .
24 Most treatment span a period of time , so check that you have sufficient medication for the whole course .
25 It very rarely happens that you take several fish in one period and then nothing for the remainder of the time you spend on the water .
26 Use a green pencil to underline all the foods or meals you normally eat that you think are nutritionally sound and that you do not want to change .
27 Joe just put your hand up now just put your hand up I 'm just seeing that you remember your number .
28 Just say that you do n't want to do it . ’
29 Of course , if he looks dodgy then do n't stop in the first place ; just say that you do n't carry a watch .
30 can I just just pursue that you said said so the if you embarked on another scenario , and you said that the only way in which extra over , that beyond the figure proposed by the County Council , would be by way of a new settlement , I 'm sort of transgressing my own ground rules here , I know that Ryedale has expressed support for the principle of a new settlement , are you saying that you would be looking for a new settlement , possibly in Ryedale ?
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