Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 All this actually amounts to , however , is the existing EMS ( once so resisted by those converts ) , after capital controls are finally gone , as long planned for next year .
2 Meetings already arranged for this year include ‘ Changes in the wind — the end of the traditional British holiday ? ’ and ‘ The retail and catering consortium ’ .
3 She admitted destroying property by fire and making hoax telephone calls and was conditionally discharged for one year .
4 Cunningham was conditionally discharged for one year and ordered to pay a total of £65 compensation .
5 The four partners — all Irish — had planned to be open for St Patrick 's Day but , as the photo shows , that did n't stop them unfurling their banner to indicate they were already prepared for next year .
6 The breeder programme also lives for another year .
7 Compliance with X/Open Co 's XA transaction processing architecture is also promised for next year .
8 Also hoped for next year is an agreement with IBM for which Fernhart is hoping to act as a VAR : it has distributed ICL Unix boxes since 1985 .
9 The Coleraine Festival of Pool , held at the Lodge Hotel , proved a big success , and now plans for next year 's event are under way … with the French national team among those likely to make an appearance .
10 Orbis Ali , an Afar , announced that his resignation was in protest against the civil war , which had now continued for one year , and against the deteriorating economic situation .
11 These schemes , which originally ran for one year , have now been extended to two years .
12 Preparations are now well advanced for this year 's ride , which promises to be bigger and better .
13 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
14 We 've gone from strength to strength from there qualifying for last year 's UK Team Chase Championships .
15 Is that likely to happen this year then paying for last year ?
16 The artists with whom his gallery was closely involved are Andy Goldsworthy , Hamish Fulton , Roger Ackling and Ian Hamilton Finlay , whose Wild Hawthorne Press material he presented at the Fruitmarket when it briefly reopened for last year 's Edinburgh Festival .
17 I do n't think that management committee will meet , divide the money in two and then race off and never meet for another year .
18 By September 1985 , this course was actually running for each year , and definitive work-books in study skills and library skills were produced for every child in the first and second years .
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