Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adjuring Theda , in the prettiest way , to wait for her here , Miss Merchiston then escorted Mr Quatt to the front door , presumably bidding him a fond farewell in the sickeningly sugary tone she had chosen to adopt towards him .
2 Natural aptitude and a career in radio , film and television had helped him become an outstanding communicator — a strength chat not only made him a formidable campaigner , but also equipped him for the business of government in the television age .
3 Jacqui had only given him the Christian name .
4 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
5 I only asked him the other day
6 But it is that same obstinacy or , put another way , determination to win , that has not only made him a successful captain , but also into one of the most feared batsmen in the world .
7 when he gets , when daddy comes home you 'd better give him a big cuddle and ask him
8 She 'd only met him a few times , but it had been easy for Julie to see that Ross Wyndham was even more Leo-like than his wife .
9 Despite this , his marks were high enough to win him a sought after place in the Indian Army .
10 So give him a good clean show suitable for all the family , or you can rest assured you 'll be playing the tavern tonight .
11 So give him a big hand , please …
12 His name is Michael Marsden and he 's a local runner , so give him an encouraging word as you pass .
13 The wide strip will contain a language pattern which is well known to the pupils , eg give him the large book .
14 Their desire to escape the rain might hurry their attack — not much but enough to give him a small advantage .
15 You knew from the beginning the terms of the thing , and if you tried to make it more serious than that , you only lost him the quicker .
16 I 've only known him a few weeks , after all . ’
17 She 'd only known him a few hours yet every cell of her body seemed sensitised to his presence .
18 O' course , I only knew him a few years after he got married .
19 I only saw him a few times and he seemed to wander around in no-man 's land half the time doing bugger all .
20 Mr Steel merely gave him a black labrador puppy .
21 Fear of being ousted from Edward 's entourage by the king 's Poitevin half-brothers perhaps gave him a personal interest in the political upheaval of 1258 , which began with the half-brothers ' expulsion from England .
22 This naturally gives him a tremendous light-grasp , but his main work is in hunting for new comets and new exploding stars or novæ , in which he has been remarkably successful ( his present total is five comets and four novæ ) , and there are not many people who will attempt anything like this .
23 I only gave him that much , I only gave him a tiny drop to take , I said it 's medicinal really like my Brandy Port .
24 How does he know the plate price is high , he did n't make that quite , when I only gave him a total price
25 seeing it not as a game between two teams but between his team and the opposition , a position which not only gave him a particular involvement , but also particular rights of commentary and criticism on the team , the management and the club .
26 K. R. I 've moved on people sleeping rough — perhaps take him a hundred yards from the shop wherever he was — ‘ On your way .
27 When speaking to Marco in the prison for instance , he tells him he is bound to be deported , and that there is no hope for him ; Alfieri would realise it was hard for Marco to take , but respected him enough to tell him the absolute truth .
28 Sole is one of those rare front-row forwards whose remarkable range of skills not only makes him a complete footballer but also brings fresh possibilities to the way the game can be played at the highest level .
29 The canny scribe had just persuaded the RAF to effectively give him the ultimate freebie , one which will remain the envy of flying hacks everywhere for many decades to come .
30 Fair-haired , tall and with a distinctive upright stance , Geoff 's powerful running , strength and cultured style soon made him a firm favourite with Palace fans , who voted him our Player of the Year in his first season .
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