Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] it was [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was mystified and alarmed , then I suddenly twigged it was rain .
2 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
3 It was late afternoon , she had to keep reminding herself , even though her body-clock seemed stubbornly convinced it was bedtime .
4 No , it never occurred to me — but then I did n't ask him , I just assumed it was meat .
5 She had just decided it was imagination when there it went again .
6 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
7 So many things happened over the last two rounds , it 's sometimes hard to remember the first two ; I just know it was Trevino versus Jacklin again in the third round and , of course , they were playing together once more .
8 He just decided it was time before the country had decided it was time .
9 I just decided it was time I … knew more .
10 I finally decided it was time to get tough .
11 It 's just a bunch of tunes I wanted to record and I just felt it was time to get an album out again .
12 Meeting Jack in his butch horn-rims gave me a feeling of intense familiarity and the first time we banged glasses together in mid-kiss I just knew it was sight at first love .
13 I just thought it was grass .
14 I could easily prove it was suicide . ’
15 ‘ You still say it was murder ? ’
16 On my first evening , my body still believing it was morning , I wandered up the maze of cobbled alleyways to the city 's most venerable quarter .
17 They always thought it was feed time if the light went on and would scramble up expectantly and start pawing and whinnying .
18 They also say it was government research which slipped back the most between 1973 and 1981 and that industry needs to be allowed to make profits before upping R&D .
19 The dog lobby had clearly felt it was time to take action .
20 I later learnt it was cat .
21 At 75 years of age also decided it was time to take things a little easier and retired on after 13 years with the company .
22 Probably thought it was Christmas when he found those !
23 He repeated the act ( the greenkeeper would probably say it was vandalism ) at the 14th green .
24 Though he 'd dimly thought it was sentiment that had driven him back here , he saw now it was not .
25 They had completely forgotten it was Bank Holiday Monday .
26 She never admits it was suicide , even though I 'm sure she knows , as we all know , it was an established fact .
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