Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] and [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this report , the condition is still rarely diagnosed and is not mentioned in standard medical textbooks or taught in our local medical schools .
2 Mr Glenn was uninjured but was badly shaken and was yesterday off work recovering .
3 Er and Jane has sent us in some proposals , which erm she 's s since modified and is now working on and she 's calling in to see us for half a day in the near future
4 He had twice been badly wounded and was still hobbling around with a stick when he was given command of Fort Vaux , the smallest of the forts ringing Verdun but crucial to the defence of the important Fort Souville .
5 The few words posted to the tree informed everyone that Lovat had been badly wounded and was now in hospital somewhere in England .
6 Now in the bottom part of this coral , the bands are quite widely spaced and are very regular .
7 Topics are extremely varied and are often viewed from unusual angles .
8 I found myself superseded by much younger men , and so resigned and was duly pensioned off .
9 As regards the patient already dead , the reasoning is that although the patient displays outward manifestations of life , in that , by virtue of the ventilator , breathing and heartbeat are maintained , these manifestations are mechanically induced and are not sustained nor will ever again be sustainable by the patient .
10 ( c ) Management problems Where a practice is carried on in a number of different locations : ( 1 ) rivalry between different offices will naturally occur and is generally healthy , but the partners should not overlook the potential for a fissiparous tendency to develop .
11 When Miss Temple received a letter from Dr Lloyd , agreeing that what I had said was true , she told the whole school that I had been wrongly accused and was not a liar .
12 Jefferson , whose eloquence on the theme of natural equality is constantly reiterated and was even written into the American Declaration of Independence , remained a slave owner to the end of his life .
13 ‘ If one of our boys was good enough to play and was not getting a chance with Yorkshire , then surely another county would have taken him .
14 Thus it is claimed that they have two important advantages over tricyclic and related antidepressants — they are better tolerated and are less toxic in overdose .
15 A great storm that suddenly appears and is soon over ; if the condition lingers or does not have much intensity , it is not Aconite .
16 It has been much updated and is regularly used by the WI , the youth club , indoor bowls club , and an over 55's club .
17 The point need not be laboured , as this aspect of Adult Education history is , rightly , much emphasised and is well known .
18 Conservative party groups are better organized , better supported and are rather more effective than their Labour counterparts .
19 The atmosphere of the little town is that of an age long gone and is best appreciated in late evening when the daily influx of sightseers has departed ; then , in silence , a visitor feels an intruder in a very private community in a fairy-tale setting unrelated to reality .
20 The increased recent trend of more adults studying in their own community is greatly welcomed and is exactly what the White Paper seeks to underline .
21 Some of the mosaics have been lost during the centuries but much remains and is carefully looked after by the Ravenna authorities .
22 To make matters more confusing , although A starts by saying yes , indicating he agrees , it becomes clear that he does n't entirely agree and is off on another tack .
23 He was so proud of what he physically produced and was never happier than with his cabinet making tools around him , surrounded by wood .
24 All the bedrooms are tastefully furnished and are very comfortable .
25 Even in the corn-exchange of a country town on a market-day the equilibrium price is affected by calculations of the future relations of production and consumption ; while in the leading corn-markets of America and Europe dealings for future delivery already predominate and are rapidly weaving into one web all the leading threads of trade in corn throughout the whole world .
26 If I can explain inflation which included in the budget at this stage is inflation between November ninety two and November ninety three , so inflation from today if you like er or last November , through to the end of the year , that is provided for in the central contingency of the authority and as pay awards are awarded the money we drawn down from that into the planning committee so the amount there would one point five percent of pay and four point two percent from general commission , that 's reflecting inflation that 's already happening and is up last year 's budget to the position today if you like so one point five percent of pay was the A P T C award for July ninety two , sorry ninety three and we 're not anticipating here what the pay award will be for the coming year , that is dealt with centrally .
27 Although it is generally true that increasing age exerts an unfavourable effect on outcome of diseases and medical interventions , this influence is weaker than is generally supposed and is mainly due to age-associated disorders .
28 Yet since the offenders were not individually named and were as much prospective as retrospective , the impact of the general sentence was more educational than coercive .
29 Nowhere is this more apparent than where access to farmland is most easily accomplished and is least organized — in those rural areas which abut directly on to the main centres of the population : the so-called ‘ urban fringe ’ .
30 These are no longer needed and are best killed to prevent them from spreading to the food cupboard , so drop them into the methylated spirits jar .
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