Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ such occasions [ when a judge may properly rule that a document ordinarily immune in the public interest should in the public interest be disclosed ] will be exceptional and the fluctuating fortunes of parties in litigious combat will rarely justify a judge in disturbing an immunity firmly rooted in the public interest .
2 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
3 None of these uses of the political process will secure that the grievance is properly considered and a remedy given where appropriate .
4 He might have been in a rush , with a car badly parked or a taxi ticking .
5 Five national opinion polls in tomorrow 's newspapers are keenly awaited after a survey in London showed Labour 's lead slipping a couple of points .
6 This eventually materialised and a kind of reconciliation took place .
7 However , for optimum performance the size of control intervals and control areas should be so arranged that a sequence set record will be stored on the same cylinder as the control area it indexes .
8 Even if there was a booking in a Girl 's home town , John 's regime was so demanding that a husband would no doubt have objected to his wife giving priority to her work .
9 They especially fear that a bridge across the beck at Iburndale near Whitby is threatened and are now pressing the North Yorkshire highways committee to investigate the problem .
10 I 'd better explain that a commune is a sizable place , in this case with a population of 26,000 , including a small town and many villages .
11 The trees shook , even the ground beneath me shook , as I suddenly realised that a salvo of heavy shells was passing over at tree height , and everyone — including the prisoners — scattered in the direction of the dug-outs ; the salvo hit the ground a short distance away with an almighty roar , the explosions throwing debris over a wide area .
12 Erm I do n't necessarily think that a road running through that area would increase development pressures and basically because it is greenbelt , it 's not going to development pressure .
13 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
14 As a result , this is usually only undertaken if a band has enjoyed significant record sales .
15 Arthur Browning , the son of Stamford architect Edward Browning , who was at the school in the 1870's , reports that ‘ The initiation of the new boys kissing the face of the ‘ Old Man' ’ , which forms the keystone of the church door , was seldom practised ’ and J. H. Boam of the same period recalled that the ceremony was only undertaken if a pupil had done anything to dishonour the school .
16 J. Boyett , Manager of Central Services and Special projects at Standard Chartered Bank , replied that , ‘ The Bank 's experience in using Headhunters is so limited that a response to your questionnaire would be worthless . ’
17 After doing an audit to see which modules of your existing machine you can keep you will not only know if a motherboard upgrade is worthwhile , you will also know exactly what your shopping list is !
18 It is easy enough to accept that a child 's first word should label its mother , until we start to think about it : why should a child connect sounds with objects at all ?
19 She said she and another officer had been pursuing a red Ford Sierra car on the road between the villages of Hillam and Burton , North Yorkshire , when it suddenly stopped and a gunman got out .
20 The accompanying huge rights issue — which , at £1.3 billion , will be one of the largest in history — has been long expected and a market growing weary of cash calls was heartened by news that the new money is not to be raised until June .
21 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
22 The use of an experienced Patent Agent is highly recommended if a patent application is being considered .
23 There are many tales of naturalists who have gone to some place in search of a rare species , only to find that a member of that very species floats down out of the trees on gentle wings to besport itself before his amazed eyes , or appear in whatever appropriate manner to his appreciative gaze .
24 But this is to anticipate the argument ; for the moment I want only to observe that a conception of the self as socially and/or metaphysically constituted produces one idea of transgression , and that of the self as ideally ( if not actually ) unified and autonomous , quite another .
25 We did n't see the Seychelles scops owl , which is nocturnal and usually only seen if a tape-recording is played at night , nor did we get the little Seychelles white-eye , but I am not concerned .
26 Obvious laminations were only revealed when a saw was used for core splitting .
27 Whitlock suddenly noticed that a member of the Zimbalan mission had been watching them .
28 I idly noted that a brass plate declared that this bit of garden furniture was sacred to someone 's memory .
29 We were feeling rather disgruntled at how many good films we 'd obviously missed when a man came on to the stage to read the nominations for one of the categories .
30 Cystic fibrosis only occurs if a baby inherits a matched pair of CF genes , one from each parent .
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