Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nails took such a proposition in his stride , unworried ; Jazz , although slightly apprehensive , was keen because swimming was the discipline he most enjoyed and was making the best progress in ; only Hoomey 's eyes came out on stalks at the presumption .
2 As is well documented in the case evidence , that worker was not suddenly sacked but was transferred to another platform without reasonable cause .
3 All the children were at that time highly disturbed and were placed with the foster mother on a long term fostering basis .
4 Richard Cecil dealt with this in a sermon that in its day was much admired and was published with the title , A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning :
5 The scheme was not greatly used and was complemented by a Voluntary Advice Scheme under which solicitors would give up to half-hour 's advice for a fiat fee of £1 paid by the client irrespective of means .
6 In addition , a small number of people described as ‘ young organic patients ’ did become long stay but were transferred into the dementia unit at Kidderminster .
7 In 1947 he became private secretary to Hector McNeil [ q.v. ] , minister of state at the Foreign Office , and despite his drunkenness and unreliable behaviour he not only survived but was promoted .
8 Now with regard to that I 'd rather feel that were gon na be called on before then , because of the rumours about our own hospital .
9 We encountered two technical complications : one stent was badly positioned and was left too proximally because of a technical problem during insertion .
10 The sun had just risen and was beginning to burn away the mist .
11 Ward had already washed and was getting into his clothes .
12 She had just arrived and was looking for a cheap hotel .
13 It provides a classic example of the way that engrossers in the corn-growing regions enlarged their farms when small-holders could no longer cope and were forced to sell .
14 The idea of the boy Scout movement soon spread and was imitated throughout the civilised world .
15 After 5 washes in PBS , positive colonies ( heavily coated with paramagnetic beads ) were easily identified and were transferred individually for further growth and harvest of cell supernatants .
16 Much , however , already had and was to happen behind the scenes .
17 Eliot , as was to be expected , was particularly interested in the kind of propaganda we were putting out to Germany and Italy : for the propaganda war had already begun and was intensifying .
18 This was largely disregarded and was followed by another one in 1678 .
19 The rushing sound of the water finally subsided and was taken over by the hiss of the cistern refilling .
20 After the service I saw a small fishing boat had just returned and was beginning to unload .
21 MI5 was then advised that Crabb had presumably drowned and was asked to help provide a suitable cover story .
22 The depute fiscal , Brian Crookshanks , told the court that staff at the stables had noticed early last year she had become more withdrawn and was putting on weight .
23 In September 1989 , with the existing funding and personnel , five school groups were set up , one in each inner area of the city , while the original groups still met and were run by parents with minimal support from the EESA workers .
24 When Pope John Paul II visited Scotland , Eva was among church leaders formally presented and was photographed greeting his Holiness with the Salvation Army salute .
25 Again , with a further five clients who remained at home for a while , the Ipswich development officer felt she could have continued home support but was overruled by others who preferred institutional care .
26 He had not observed that , from the gale it had been , it had risen through level after level of violence to a power that no man living on Orkney had ever experienced or was to experience again .
27 Mr Stone , when leaving the premises by a narrow , unlit staircase at approximately 1.00a.m. fell and was killed .
28 The reforms made the splits already present within the republican governments yet more defined and were used as tools to benefit the ruling regime , rather than build a broad democratic consensus .
29 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
30 charge , principally because it hit the worst-off but also because it probably cost more to collect than was gained in revenue .
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