Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had been let down several times , they had done all sorts of things without asking him , and sometimes he only found out what they 'd been up to when the papers rang for comment .
2 ‘ He only found out what he 'd missed a few years ago when some German came in asking questions .
3 ‘ Long enough to find out what we needed .
4 These small creatures are the future , they are only acting out what they will be .
5 So far most computer users still use the new technology only to do faster what they have always done before , crunch conventional numbers .
6 The old adage that you only get out what you put in becomes very meaningful and it is only too easy to miss an employee out of a list because a code has been entered incorrectly or because information is inconsistent .
7 Slavery , to Sheffield female abolitionists , was essentially unlawful ; human laws could only take away what they could create .
8 In the final analysis , the Swann Report not only put aside what it had already acknowledged about the relatively poor performance of students of Bangladesh I origin , but ignored evidence that students of Mirpuri Pakistani origin were also under performing , while students of East African Asian origin seemed to be achieving exceptionally well .
9 Mr Gummer is inclined to give a snap reply to his critics , when he would do better to check carefully what they have said .
10 I can only put down what I know to be the truth as far as I can tell .
11 Other versions are that computers only do exactly what you tell them to , and that therefore computers are never creative .
12 This article only sets out what we consider to be some of the major problems which any socialist feminist analysis of housing must confront , and raises more questions than answers .
13 Ultimately they merely carry out what we as a democratic society demand .
14 Remember that someone like yourself is going to buy it , so put down what you think is important .
15 That 's really a matter if , if anybody who 's interested enough to take on what we call co-ordination , receiving the material and then you know , telling people what letters are needed .
16 The cover of the directive features a cricketer in full protective kit , so I knew at once I had better find out what it was all about .
17 You will only find out what you need to know by really listening to what is said to you .
18 Let me just explain exactly what we do .
19 Right I 'll just explain quickly what it is then .
20 If I just read out what I was going to suggest Simon described the new system for approvals it goes something like erm , sorry it 's 9.9 , all approvals are recorded on research approval forms full stop .
21 They look at them through microscopes just to find out what they 're made of .
22 I should have cut him , just to find out what it felt like , I thought .
23 No I 'm just writing down what you what you said .
24 We can not check this independently by re-examining the original one , not because we can not re-examine the original one but because everything we can do in the way of a re-examination is just doing again what we have already done in thinking of the new sensation as relevantly similar to the old one .
25 Well certainly my job is to just outline briefly what we do .
26 I will just fill out what she wants me to do .
27 You feel you want to do something , but I just do n't what you can do
28 I mean all I I did n't I just did exactly what I was told .
29 Official trade figures need careful handling , but those who specialise in this area generally agree over what they reveal .
30 I was pleased to be invited to contribute a foreword for this new journal on technology transfer , not least because its title — Competitive Edge — so aptly sums up what we all want British industry to achieve .
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