Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is then argued , that , this being so , there is no consideration for the agreement at all , and that it is an agreement for a voluntary gift on certain conditions ; but , looking at the agreement , we find , not a mere proviso , but an express agreement by the plaintiff to pay £1 towards a certain ground-rent , which apparently has been for the first time apportioned , and to pay it to the defendant , who is , I presume , liable to the whole ground-rent .
2 Now the Temperance Hall was a very very nice hall er balcony all the way around , it held five or six hundred people er candelabras and all the rest of it , a lovely stage and these travelling concert parties used to come round on a Saturday night , and I should imagine they 'd be doing the seasides during the summer and then they came back in the Walsall and various areas during the er winter months , and we used to get concert parties like The Roosters and The Bonbons and all those sort of people come along and they were real and of course fellas my age , I mean eighteen and nine we used to take our girls there I mean it was full of young people er you 'd perhaps have been to the pictures one night and it 's another way of entertaining really and it was really a first class entertainment .
3 Later that week we were given a first indication that the previous three ‘ greenhouse ’ winters may merely have been within the normal climatic variations and that a better season may be on its way , when the first Pitztal race was cancelled due to extreme cold !
4 To insist upon the inquest in these circumstances could only have been for the purpose of procuring a rapping over the knuckles in public of that authority and/or a convenient means of obtaining evidence for a subsequent claim against it .
5 The women complained that the officer could only have been on the housing list for a few weeks , while they had waited for periods of between eighteen months and four years .
6 energy council , I 'm not make a bid , we 've just , er we 've just heard , what I think is a , is an example of enlightened and model practice , so praise is on the superfluous , but I think we 're probably not typical of of the business sector in being so enlightened , and my question is only a wide one , and it is this .
7 Her young men hitherto had been in the City , or in advertising , chartered accountancy , or even television .
8 So with the particular diary system , I mean this , what I 've just said is about the whole course , but the particular diary , I would say get to grips with the diary first , and then you know , once you 're , you 're on , on , on tap with that , then get involved with the erm , project sheets and the project management forms .
9 There are also pressures to raise agricultural productivity to accommodate population increases , though most of the land that can be thus exploited is in the uplands and is consequently susceptible to erosion .
10 ‘ The business I 've just bought is on the rocks , and you tell me that 's lucky ? ’
11 The sympathetic link finally envisaged was between the individual subjectivities of members of the popular classes and an " English culture " or national identity , to be achieved by English as a vehicle for state policy .
12 It may be that the injuries are such that their full effects will not become apparent for some time and a hasty settlement might lead to an underestimation of the damage , but generally delay is on the side of the defendant .
13 One of the most important impacts of The Brow should thus have been on the content and dissemination of subsequent official guidance on residential road layout .
14 Why , Edward wondered , did Brackenbury speak yesterday of being off-duty on Thursday when he must already have been on the point of resigning his post ?
15 The Premier could just as easily have been on the slalom — ducking and diving as MPs taunted him over the Exchange Rate Mechanism fiasco .
16 as if to illustrate this point I recently spoke to an angler on the Ribble and judging by the distance he held his hands apart — ’ Like this they were ! ’ — his recent catch of ’ two pounders ’ could easily have been around the 6lb mark !
17 The most important thing for us is the next song , ’ a sensible Tim relates before surging on in overdrive , ‘ I fuckin' love being in The Charlatans .
18 The most important thing for us is the next song , ’ a sensible Tim relates before surging on in overdrive , ‘ I fuckin' love being in The Charlatans .
19 Why is n't , I just love being in the mountains , I mean , it 's just , I daydream about it so much
20 I would have been quite happy just to have been on the bench for the entire championship but , as it turned out , I had another big incentive in that as Gary might not play for the rest of the Five Nations there would be four internationals available if I proved good enough ’ .
21 Yachting World has long believed sailing to be one of the principal sports in which women can compete directly with men , particularly as , in sailing , brain and not just brawn is of the essence .
22 The only romance the Timelord ever enjoyed was in the 1964 William Hartnell four-parter , The Aztecs .
23 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
24 ‘ He always has been in the past , so the Abwehr have found .
25 He told delegates he believed the case for strong trade unions was as compelling now as it was when the TUC first met 125 years ago , ‘ or ever has been in the history of our country . ’
26 Everything he had ever done was for the woman he could not forget .
27 AMERICAN journalist William Shirer 's Berlin Diary records on September 18 that year : ‘ The longest Red Cross train I 've ever seen was at the Potsdamer Bahnhof .
28 My first dream I can ever remember was on the first day of exams .
29 And then erm mother of course , I can always remember was in the Guild and erm she would , the Guild in those days I 'm always telling the er people today , were very , very active women , very active erm and you 'd got them as councillors , magistrates erm come forward to all these positions .
30 ‘ I should have realized at once — that Frenchman who was killed , the same poison must still have been on the skin of his attackers , and it would almost certainly still have been strong enough to affect him as well !
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