Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sorry to disturb you , but could you perhaps spare a little time to come and talk to the Chief Superintendent ? ’
2 ‘ I was fiercely aroused the whole time we were talking .
3 She could only stay a short time , but long enough to hear John thank her for the gift of her daughter .
4 Most of the , what has happened I think , over the last two and half years , that I 'm aware of , erm , is basically happening a long time before that , I , I ca n't say yes or no .
5 If , however , a bond only has a short time left to maturity , it will be much more liquid : its market price will be near its face value .
6 ‘ Yes , apparently she only has a short time to live ; David came back to be with her — he 's even living at Brooklands . ’
7 It seems clear , however that the initial cancellation only added a short time to the eventual arrival of the ambulance .
8 However it just so happens the last time an election was n't on a Thursday was in er I think it was nineteen thirty one when it was held on a Tuesday .
9 Since it necessarily takes a long time to produce such a report , the mandatory period within which the legal claim should be registered has frequently , even usually , expired before the report is available .
10 ‘ Our stables are just a few miles away at Bognor and it only takes a short time to get him there .
11 When I asked Alison what qualities you need to be a marketing controller she said , ‘ you need to be able to establish immediate empathy with the people you are talking to as you may only have a short time to get the feedback you need .
12 ‘ It 's like a holiday camp sometimes and we are all having a good time .
13 No-one very serious about anyone else , just a crowd of friends all having a good time , walking up the mountain on a lovely day , drinking the spring water and having a picnic .
14 I get a lot of enjoyment from doing it , this is the biggest we 've been involved in and we 're all having a good time .
15 The innovation of Private Eye ensured that deference , if not quite dead , would henceforth have a hard time .
16 She 's obviously having a wonderful time .
17 Well , enough to have a good time in the back row at the pictures anyway , ’ and she had certainly not elaborated .
18 ‘ My dear , I must tell you , so amUsing ’ , one whispers to the other , ‘ Monsieur *** de *** , FAR from being happily married as everyone thought , apparently spends the ENTIRE time when he 's in London clad in very ODD lederhosen in some pizzeria opposite the Knightsbridge barracks picking up little leather boys . ’
19 A lot of the stone went to build houses for the local peasants , who apparently had a tough time .
20 At the time I had no other reason to come home , but when I heard my mother only had a short time left it was the only place I wanted to be . ’
21 It should be emphasised that the smallness of the sample and the brief time spent in data collection are not indicative of the priority of the Minor Project in the eyes of the investigators , but merely reflect the limited time available for this aspect of evaluation .
22 This was a situation which could only last a short time before complete economic and social collapse ensued .
23 Bearing this in mind and the fact that you only have a limited time to see it all , we 've put together these special tours .
24 ‘ We only have a short time , ’ Ell said .
25 They 've uncovered the remains of a first century village and graveyard … but they only have a short time to dig up the relics , before work continues on a pipeline straight through the site .
26 They 've uncovered the remains of a first century village and graveyard … but they only have a short time to dig up the relics , before work continues on a pipeline straight through the site .
27 So have a good time , ’ she told him , recovering , and went to help him pack …
28 This is a splendidly versatile way of patterning so spend a little time trying it out before you start on ‘ moon craters ’ .
29 The proteins have little sequence identity and obviously diverged a long time ago .
30 Well the reality is of course that Clare has already told us that internment did n't work the last time , it was badly done the last time .
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