Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Reid continued to leave him out and eventually sold him to Chelsea .
2 ‘ You 've been slowly starving us to death , ’ they said .
3 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
4 They later intervened on his behalf when he was investigated for criminal fraud , thereby opening themselves to allegations of having accepted bribes .
5 Arnulf achieved his goal , thereby opening himself to charges of duplicity .
6 Rose shut herself into her office , grimly applying herself to routine .
7 Finally Ayatollah Khomeini had reclaimed his mantle as the most radical of the Imams by proclaiming a fatwa against Rushdie in February 1989 , effectively condemning him to death .
8 not sending him there , rather send him to Judge
9 To the north they had obtained the county of Maine only to lose it to William the Conqueror , Duke of Normandy .
10 While the shame of the public defamation felt by the typical Nazi lawyer was allegedly almost enough to drive him to suicide , reactions of astonishment , disbelief , anxiety , and criticism can be read between the lines of the responses from judges and the justice administration , and the most outspoken reaction was that the Führer had been badly misinformed and his ‘ wholly unexpected attack on justice ’ much ‘ discussed and criticized ’ .
11 In the wild most of the eggs or fry of this type of spawner are eaten , but just enough make it to adulthood to keep the population steady .
12 His youth had perhaps exposed him to charges of being too much under the control of guardians ( bajuli ) but none is documented after Atto in 838 .
13 Otherwise , some people would indeed quite literally eat themselves to death — in fact there have been a few cases of disturbed people doing just that in recent years .
14 One focus is Jesus , who reveals the love of God for us , and so reconciles us to God , ; the other is the spiritual and ethical community which he founded .
15 After apparently driving it to France , Roche nonetheless assured everyone that the dioxin was safe — up until two weeks ago , when it started offering to retrieve it ‘ if it is not ’ .
16 I do n't want to stifle discussion , but had n't we better confine it to matters within the competence of this committee ?
17 In August , an acquaintance gave him the address of a London representative ‘ who will apparently introduce me to Noël and Oliver and Bobby ! ’
18 " You 'd better send yourself to Hoggatt 's if you want to get there by eight-thirty .
19 " Better send it to Hoggatt 's " .
20 Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep
21 I 'd only send him to Wincanton if a new jockey comes into the equation , and needs to get to know him . ’
22 And Y ? is the reason I can not find a genuinely happy ending to this story ; there seems to be a choice between adding poisonous chemicals and not — both of which apparently lend themselves to doom and disaster for the earth and its creatures , rather than sweetness and happiness ever after .
23 What Nanette has said has been an important introduction and if yo , if what sa you have prepared altogether is legible then perhaps give it to Eileen and it can go out in the Synod papers that will be helpful .
24 Essentially it is the ultimate perfection — a hostile critic might say ‘ emasculation ’ — of Netherland polyphony , its florid elements pruned , its dissonances disguised or mollified by preparation and other devices which so lend themselves to codification that ‘ the style of Palestrina ’ has become the ideal model for students of sixteenth-century composition .
25 ( b ) that some parts or aspects of a topic naturally lend themselves to comparisons or joint treatment .
26 Er basically stuffing yourself to excess for two weeks .
27 In these commentaries — on Solomon 's rebuilding of the Temple , on Esras and Nehemiah , especially on Samuel — he constantly addressed himself to passages about kings .
28 If I may my Lord there is an issue that was raised in my learned friends reply er which er was a new point er and where I do take issue with him and this concerns the issue of the relevance of the directive here the , the issue relating to er whether or not the er Lloyd 's Act and the society have got any relevance in respect of the directive , his submission as I understood it , was that under article one , eight , nine the directive only addressed itself to states , to the British Government and that therefore the reliance on the directive by the society and in relation to the Lloyds Act was er a misconceived er reliance .
29 To be sure we are seeing it in a grotesquely parodied form , but what leads to Celia being nearly raped is nothing less than the prevailing structures of patriarchal and heterosexual authority : it is after all her hitherto paranoidly jealous husband who has literally dragged her to Volpone 's bed .
30 Erm yeah I did mention earlier actually there was one or two ways that you could perhaps help me er one was erm I hope , I 'd like to think that obviously my service has been of value to you erm I 'd also like to think that you can perhaps recommend me to people you know er you did actually mention earlier erm was it Peter you work with , was it
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