Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [am/are] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Squatters have long felt they 're at the receiving end of a bad press and have have welcomed tonight 's opportunity to express their side of the story .
2 On performances I personally think we are worth more than the 2 pts per game average .
3 Even if there never will be any easy answers to such questions , and certainly not ones which could be read off from some kind of ‘ correct analysis ’ , it is still the case that the better informed we are about the complexities which underlie them the quicker we will be able to learn from our mistakes .
4 But they are my bread and butter , and I rather hope they are worth at least a quick read .
5 The majority of delegations have nevertheless said they are in favour of including such consequences within the scope of the law of contracts , but in order to take account of the opposition expressed provision has been made for any contracting state to enter a reservation on this matter : article 22(1) ( b ) .
6 And that would be , that would be , so if we 're doing it this way , right , let's let's erm , forget about where we are sitting at the moment now , and just look we 're in a helicopter looking at these ships now , so this one radios you in the helicopter and says , that ship S is on a bearing of forty five degrees
7 It depends on your lifestyle you live , though , cos I got friends who are just like ah , I do n't like and you have to excuse my hairy legs running or something , I mean , I just like they 're like this , and they 've got like black hair about this long , and I 'm like oh my God , oh my God , you 're just like
8 This contact may be by post , by telephone or by personal meetings ; the choice will depend very much on how important you are to a magazine and the magazine to you and thus how often you are likely to be working with this particular publication , how physically near you are to each other and indeed how well you get on at a social level .
9 But perhaps her greatest achievement with the chimps at Gombe has been to show how astonishingly close they are to humanity — and so to narrow the gap between us and the rest of the animal world .
10 Well they just think they 're in a privileged position Stanley !
11 Maybe they just think I 'm at rehearsal .
12 ‘ Let's just say I 'm about as helpful as you are practical — it would n't surprise me if you had n't just run out of petrol . ’
13 I 'VE always said I 'm into snooker and boxing , but not even money would tempt me into managing players from any other sport .
14 Do you ever feel you 're on your own too much in the daytime ? )
15 ( Do you ever feel you 're on your own too much in the daytime ? )
16 They hand over responsibility to teenage , growing up and growing away , young people , who should gradually feel they are in charge of their own lives , and eventually become fully independent .
17 ‘ But we still suspect there are at least another 25 and up to 50 still unregistered .
18 Saying we were in Berkshire is like saying we 're in Surrey now .
19 ‘ We accept that simply earning more will not make referees better but we still believe we are among the poor relations of Europe , ’ added Deakin .
20 They even get angry and suggest these are lies put about by foreigners who do not understand how deeply attuned they are to Mother Africa .
21 ‘ I hardly think they 're worth bankrupting yourself for . ’
22 May I say how deeply honoured I am to be invited to chair N C V O. I am acutely conscious with a degree of trepidation and indeed humility , that I face a huge challenge in following in Alan 's footsteps .
23 In the exterior walls prison chambers still survive which are of Romanesque date , while the audience chamber possesses a fine wall-fireplace .
24 Wherever the terms require something to be done within a period of time , the drafter should also consider what are to be the consequences of a failure to comply .
25 In the first category are those often described as ‘ Western ’ , although strictly speaking they are Near Eastern religions .
26 But he says : ‘ I honestly believe we are on the verge of the big breakthrough , promotion to the First Division and making London the headquarters of rugby league in this country . ’
27 And if they ask you to it probably means they 're in trouble anyway .
28 But perfectly matched they are in this grand old play which seems to steadily improve with age , and which is receiving a very good production from Colette O'Neil at Perth .
29 You really feel you are on top of the world .
30 We wanted to get away from it all but now find we 're in daily contact with people all over the world ! ’
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