Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 During these pauses he would leer in the hope that his lady friend would fill in the gaps , thereby allowing him to save his energy for later .
2 The agency gave assurances that this new evidence had been passed to the relevant prosecuting authorities , and it was this which had led to the prosecutors ' decision to withdraw from their plea bargain arrangement with Drogoul , thereby allowing him to change his plea to innocent .
3 ‘ Sarella ? ’ he murmured , shifting his weight a little to enable her to continue her first tentative exploration .
4 21 We know you would never consider smuggling a wild orchid into your home country , but which of these considerations would most tempt you to break your resolve ?
5 She did so want him to kiss her .
6 De Gaulle obviously expected her to say something like : ‘ So much is evident from the content . ’
7 It did not displease him ; she would make him a suitable wife , and would know her place when , as he hoped still , he had elevated his position enough to enable him to support her .
8 It did not displease him ; she would make him a suitable wife , and would know her place when , as he hoped still , he had elevated his position enough to enable him to support her .
9 ‘ I only eat it to annoy your uncle . ’
10 The good lady thought that he was shy , and constantly twitted him to bring him into the talk ; Paul hoped that she would get over it as the days passed , and this proved to be the case .
11 erm and ask them you know and say , and if they want two years , say well you know I 'm pretty keen on this , now what , you know I necessarily expect you to have me
12 I only want you to know I understand . ’
13 Profits : By having extensive overseas interests , banks can take advantage of different economic growth rates and stages of the business cycle in various countries , so enabling them to stabilise their profits .
14 But none of it was true — she 'd only said it to cover her own growing confusion , a confusion she now realised had come out of what she 'd begun to feel for him .
15 She just knew she had to see the woman who held Timothy 's heart and perhaps persuade her to set him free .
16 In telling me that , until my confirmation , my godparents were , by proxy , responsible for my sins , merely drove me to keep it that way .
17 Then I 'd better do something to prevent you . ’
18 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
19 At the time of birth , however , an angel strikes its upper lip , so causing it to forget everything that it has seen and learned .
20 She liked her job , she needed her job , the building society with whom she had her mortgage would very much like her to keep her well-paying job — but she had no idea how she could go about keeping it if that swine in the new extension said , ‘ On your way ’ .
21 Yeah , I thought you 'd only bought it to keep it for a year or two
22 Increasingly during this time almost all purchasing authorities have struggled with how to educate general practitioners and so empower them to use their influence constructively in the purchasing process .
23 Raschid who is here today was President and I attended with my own Table Chairman at that time David who not only encouraged me to attend my first A G M but encouraged me to get involved involved in ri in Round Table right from the very onset .
24 None of this was the assertion of a separate nationality ; they were all subjects of the King of England , and relied on this for their safety , but this reassuring English presence only encouraged them to manage their own local affairs in smaller and smaller units .
25 Those who cared for Michael gently encouraged him to accept his toys and belongings again .
26 I introduced myself and upon learning my identity they naturally begged me to examine their treasure and offer an authoritative opinion .
27 The rasping noise was quite upsetting but when he did n't make it I gently shook him to make him breathe again and I did n't feel that I could relax , let alone sleep , for one minute .
28 The director , Peter Wood , made Orton — who had personally requested him to direct it — do the rewrites .
29 I persuaded him to be ashamed of snobbishness — or perhaps I only taught him to keep his true feelings from me .
30 The move has been welcomed by Datarange , which says that the financial stability which its new parent will bring will better enable it to pursue its business strategy .
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