Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Was not ‘ cushion ’ the term which eventually became vogue for the extra help which was thrown over the poll tax time and again in a vain attempt to douse the flames of dissent .
2 This approach effectively placed services for the black communities on the margin of mainstream service delivery and turned collective issues concerned with race into individual case work ( Ben-Tovim et al .
3 Somewhere along the Ob river in central Siberia , slowly building strength for a 3,500-mile flight , wait perhaps 50 Siberian cranes .
4 In caves and hill-strongholds the legend has persisted of the Lost Prince , Igor Fedorovitch , said to have survived the assassination of his father ; and it is mainly among ‘ simple , pastoral folk ’ that the Forgers of the Sword have been slowly gathering support for the restoration of the rightful king , after his existence and identity have been discovered .
5 Many leading designers have since designed fittings for the 2D .
6 I find it an insult to my bottom that I was forced to sit on it while playing this badly designed excuse for a game .
7 After half an hour of marching towards the ever-loudening village dog , they eventually found shelter for the night .
8 The reports mostly provide information for the donors ; many are in English ( the national language of Mozambique is Portuguese ) .
9 Working in Grendon must be one of the most difficulkt places for an officer becausec we 're telling them they 're not dependant on their uniform but their personality and ability to relate to people .
10 While the region has traditionally written off 5 per cent of rates or poll tax bad debts — this year it could be £15 million — the finance director , Tony Taylor , promised yesterday that the council would vigorously pursue non-payers for the rest of the cash .
11 But , though statistics are objective icons for the disinterested observer — or powerfully distorting tools for the polemicist — once in a while a particular set of figures will leap from the page of some dust-dry tome to offer up an image more illuminating than all of a dozen reports like those in the bibliography relating to this chapter .
12 The President of Cuba had apparently given permission for the Jews to be landed on the Isle of Pines , a former penal colony .
13 Truth to tell , the arrangement did n't look particularly promising : the Bowl resembled something for kitchen use , plain fired ceramic , large enough to whip eggs for a couple of soufflés .
14 At any rate , Bloch 's work is exciting , with long singing lines for the solo instrument over a rich orchestral texture , well coloured by brass and percussive timpani .
15 They 're er , obviously gathering information for a big push then
16 It is known as the Appropriation Act because it not only grants approval for the total sums requested , but also prescribes how the overall sum is to be apportioned to particular votes in order to finance specified services .
17 He fell headlong , his arms flailing , and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds .
18 Experience has shown that it is not enough to train PHCNs for a year and then send to isolated rural clinics .
19 For example , contacting users ' families not only causes unpleasantness for the individual concerned but also damages the centres ' carefully nurtured congenial atmosphere .
20 All these setbacks did n't matter , old chap , because the referee only has eyes for the big boys .
21 In micro-chips , Philips , Siemens and the Italo-French SGS-Thomson together fund R&D for the ‘ super ’ microchips of the next — post-1990s — generation : in aerospace the Euro-consortium Airbus competes against Boeing and McDonnell Douglas , and the ESA 's Ariane against NASA 's space launchers .
22 ‘ Cyclists and hikers … day excursionists , refugees from cursed towns ’ were prominent enough to provide fuel for the poetic pen of C. Day Lewis .
23 The purpose of these laws was not only to provide guidance for the day-to-day running of the Israelite community , but to teach how a holy God was to be worshipped by a holy people .
24 Clearly such references are not merely longwinded substitutes for a name : they draw attention now to this , now to that aspect of the same person , and so build up a many-sided picture of each character .
25 Thus John V of Portugal ( 1706–50 ) gave public audiences regularly twice a week at which he personally received petitions for the redress of grievances .
26 His subsequent progress inside the Corporation was rapid and distinctive — from the external services in Bush House to Canada again , this time as BBC representative from 1956 to 1959 ; back to Bush House as head of external broadcasting administration ; on to Broadcasting House as the BBC 's secretary ( 1963–6 ) , a post of varying status and influence at different times in the history of the BBC , but during the regime of the director-general , Sir Hugh Greene , who had personally selected Curran for the job , a key post drawing him into discussions of policy , often highly controversial policy , as well as of administration ; back again to Bush House as director of external services ( 1967–9 ) , which brought him into close touch with government ; and on Greene 's retirement , becoming , to his considerable surprise , director-general himself in April 1969 .
27 Cos they only booked seats for the immediate family .
28 The programme had changed : a collie dog was now gambolling about , apparently seeking aid for a distressed shepherd .
29 I am grateful for my right hon. Friend 's statement because it demonstrates the Government 's commitment to a better equipped fleet for the future , even though the fleet manpower is contracting , and because jobs will be provided in the Portsmouth travel-to-work area .
30 They also gave her a much valued safety-valve for an almost too active imagination .
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