Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 For the most part Kilwardby lavished his attention on his clerical subjects , conducting visitations of suffragans ' dioceses and holding frequent clerical synods .
2 From now on , for the most part Branson confined his role in contract negotiations to a neo-imperial one , coming in to ‘ do a number ’ , as Draper put it , when a particularly big star , or recalcitrant manager , required wooing .
3 Perhaps Tatyana Nowak took her life for fear of the ignominy of exposure as a spy .
4 In pencil he wrote , ‘ At four o'clock Richard Walter shits his pants . ’
5 Apparently Tom DiCillo cut his cinematic teeth working with Jim Jarmusch , and his directorial debut Johnny Suede certainly shows signs of the latter 's influence , as it doodles out a familiarly minimal comedy around a cool fool who learns the limits of his own hip moves .
6 Suddenly Mr Jaggers clapped his large hand on the housekeeper 's , as she was removing a dish .
7 So Mr Heine turned his attention to Birmingham , found a cinema , and immediately commissioned the sculptures .
8 Flavia , from her distance among the hoi polloi , observed that only Mme Fournier used her Christian name , everybody else , including the host , addressed her as Madame .
9 Perhaps Sir Philip knew his whereabouts .
10 I do n't understand the details , but apparently Mrs Danby got her lawyer on to him about some financial thing .
11 She says it 's wrong to say that only Mrs Maxwell lost her pension .
12 The reference to Newcomen engines disappearing underground is puzzling and perhaps Professor Hoskins misunderstood their function .
13 Only Beau Brummell powders his wig when his arse is on fire . ’
14 Whilst these are providing an integrated service , some , eg NE Fife concentrate their efforts on dementia suffers , whilst specialist needs suffers , eg the Whitburn/Bathgate scheme which provides overnight care during holidays .
15 So Timothy Winters drinks his cup
16 Basically Pope Adrian confined his idea of a Papal State to a smallish area , that of the old Byzantine duchy of Rome with the duchy of Spoleto to the east .
17 There was only Sergeant-Chef Gibeau to make our lives miserable now .
18 So Santa Claus finished his journey
19 He said : ‘ Straight away Mr Mellor phoned his secretary to find out if he needed to go back .
20 Thus Don Wilson gives his view of the legacy he believes he left when his 13 years as MCC coach at Lord 's came to an end in 1990 .
21 Normally Sean Walsh divided his custom .
22 Jasper Park warden Gerry Israelson said : ‘ Effectively Mr Percy-Lancaster gave his life to save his partner — a very brave thing to do .
23 At once Mr Utterson fetched his coat and hat .
24 Yesterday Mr McGahon released her reply which stated : ‘ The issuing of such statements is a long-time irritant to the law-abiding citizens of the State . ’
25 But yesterday Mr Fallon said his comments were aimed at the local education authority and not the schools themselves .
26 Three months pregnant , yesterday Shelley Williams lost her baby , today she returned from hospital what 's been her home for the last two months , a tent pitched on a grass verge outside the home of her boyfriend 's parents .
27 On Wednesday night , the group announced that its chief executive , Mr Eugene Anderson , had resigned and yesterday Johnson Matthey said its chairman , Mr Neil Clark , would be retiring from the board at the end of the year .
28 On Wednesday night , the group announced that its chief executive , Mr Eugene Anderson , had resigned and yesterday Johnson Matthey said its chairman , Mr Neil Clark , would be retiring from the board at the end of the year .
29 Yesterday Norman Lamont changed his policy three times in ten hours , putting up interest rates , putting them up again , changing his mind , perhaps , about the second increase and finally deciding to leave the ERM , effectively paving the way for devaluing the pound .
30 Yesterday Silvino Francisco became his victim for the second time .
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