Example sentences of "[pers pn] took me to [art] " in BNC.

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1 She took me to a corner where a miniature chest stood on a table .
2 We were delighted , and at a convenient interlude she took me to a favourite uncle , an Air Vice-Marshal .
3 In the morning she took me to the station , with my luggage including the cot , put me on the train , and said ‘ Goodbye . ’
4 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
5 She ran out and tried to send me away but I pretended Sabine was expecting me , so she took me to the studio .
6 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
7 From the very first time you took me to the pictures , you started to change me , shape me in your own image , make me like you .
8 It was the day you took me to the Beatles . ’
9 Then they took me to a room where I was in solitary confinement .
10 They took me to a secret prison and raped me over and over again by forcing the barrel of a gun into me .
11 The next time they took me to the room , a man and a woman were waiting .
12 So very reluctantly they took me to the home of a local merchant whose wife 's health had been the reason for their not taking anyone so far .
13 I could not keep food or fluids down and when the symptoms did not go after a couple of days they took me to the hospital and put me on a drip . ’
14 My sister and me are very close , so this woman gave me a giro to go to my sister 's — they took me to the station and put me on the train .
15 They took me to the hospital , and then took me back home .
16 They took me to an enormous wall built of Pelasgian blocks .
17 He took me to a pie and mash shop on Hammersmith Broadway .
18 On the second evening of my visit he took me to a literary party given by the Chicago Tribune in honour of Carl Sandberg in the sumptuous lounge of a club called ‘ The 333 ’ ( at 333 Michigan Boulevard ) .
19 He took me to a lorry driver 's cafe next door .
20 He took me to a few parties but I was uneasy about him .
21 So he took me to a butcher shoppe with a bacon slicer in it and you know it turned out that he was right aftr all .
22 He took me to a church where the other forty-four members of the Bulgarian Monarchist Front were mustered outside the front doors .
23 He did , he took me to a concert , to hear the Russians play Shostakovich .
24 When he took me to a football match we saw Paul Gascoigne and I was allowed to go on the pitch .
25 He took me to a mountain hut where he lit a fire .
26 He took me to a waiting Jaguar equipped with air conditioning , stereo system , and a very pretty girl : ‘ at my disposal for the rest of my stay ’ .
27 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
28 He took me to the farmer , who soon realized that I was not an animal , but an intelligent being .
29 He took me to the Paris Zoo .
30 But I kept on thinking , he took me to the concert , and he came back here to her .
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