Example sentences of "[pers pn] might be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 She was listening intently and her eyes were thoughtful , as if she might be toying with some idea of her own .
32 She might be reassured by a test yet is obviously in the high-risk category .
33 In a crash , you could not hold on to your baby , or she might be crushed between you and the dashboard or seat .
34 The messages from her brain to turn and walk away seemed to take so long reaching their destination , she thought she might be riveted to the ground forever .
35 I believe she was afraid she might be rejected by Martin .
36 She did not look as if she might be dying of some dreadful disease .
37 What worried her most of all was that she might be held in equal suspicion .
38 At this point I thought she might be distracted by the kid whose chair was sticking out , so I asked him for a second time to move back even further .
39 The Heather he had known on Rhodes was an uncomplicated and instantly likeable young woman : a little gauche perhaps , a little unsure of herself , but essentially only what she might be expected to be .
40 She liked the taste of his mouth , the feel of his tongue caressing hers , but she did not feel threatened by the thought that she might be expected to ‘ go all the way ’ like some poor teenager on a heavy date .
41 For a moment she looked as if she might be going to .
42 But she might be going with a friend , and I think she 's planning on meeting up with Aunty Edna .
43 That if she 'd triggered it by asking questions she might be drowned in the flood of pain that would be released ?
44 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
45 I kid you not , I had not a clue as to what she might be talking about .
46 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
47 Jess went to fetch the coal bucket , trailing the fast dying hope that if she got on with her work she might be left in peace to think things out .
48 Let everybody you know have the details of the kind of employment that you might be looking for .
49 Sometimes you might be looking for examples of certain kinds of behaviour — how do you go about persuading people to do things in certain situations ?
50 Open up the System Box , and you might be looking at an IBM .
51 Erm , then it may well be for the benefit of Greater York that you might be looking at more than one settlement ?
52 I mean you might be overcharged for them .
53 Or you might be invited to a party , start to feel uncomfortable and have the courage to comply when your inner voice tells you to go , knowing that your guide will keep you safe from harm .
54 So with forces families very often in those days , you might be delivering to the first floor .
55 The nervous tension of dodging and ducking about a sky crowded with equally dodging and ducking planes , some firing , some looking as if they might fire at any instant , some sheering wildly away to avoid a collision ; and all the time trying to grab a quick shot at a mere point of light : all this brought back the strain of combat , when you were pressed on by the excitement of chasing the enemy , pulled back by the horror of shooting a friend , and periodically shaken with fright by the thought that at any second you might be cut in two .
56 You might be forgiven for thinking that the absorption of a stimulant would make you better able to function mentally — but in fact this is far from the truth .
57 Given all of the above , you might be forgiven for thinking that tennis and fitness are somewhat secondary to the social aspects of the club .
58 At the moment the opening screen looks a little blank and you might be forgiven for wondering what comes next .
59 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
60 Initially , you might be asked to " transmit for DF " .
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