Example sentences of "[pers pn] think we can get " in BNC.

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1 I know the man and I think we can get him . ’
2 ‘ Listen , I think we can get to it before they do even if we go via Floridia . ’
3 I think we can get more information on this . ’
4 I think we can get a settlement .
5 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
6 As Anthony Alexander , the group 's chief operating officer in Britain , put it , ‘ If we think we can get more for them than they are worth to us , we will sell . ’
7 And if we buy direct we think we can get a better deal . ’
8 Since crime , however it is defined in any particular society , always involves some degree of restraint on individual self-interest , our natural tendency is always towards deviation : we will , it seems , always choose the deviant alternative when it suits us and when we think we can get away with it .
9 not only which er erm one of the big strategies of ours is using er and we think we can get into a considerable number of homes with leaflet drops etcetera erm er by using that er arrow .
10 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
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