Example sentences of "[pers pn] should [vb infin] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I had suggested in the note that , as it was then three-fifteen , rather than their breaking camp , one of them should drive back and take me to where they were for the night and back to the village next morning .
2 ‘ I think you and I should draw aside and discuss this matter , Mr Magistrate . ’
3 So if you ca n't be more positive — ’ she folded her napkin and threw it down like a gauntlet on the table between them ‘ — then I do n't see why I should stay here and listen to you . ’
4 And since there is much talk of danger and imprisonment , perchance I should remain here until mama has been consulted . ’
5 I should explain here that I am one of two brothers — and that my elder brother , Leonard , was killed during the Southern African War while I was still a boy .
6 ‘ Perhaps I should start here and now by kissing you . ’
7 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
8 I just thought I should do exactly as they said .
9 You know , I should think somewhere where you are
10 I say I should think really and truly er schooling today is more fun than it was .
11 I should think so when there are eight fascinating female forms in it , turning , twisting , pirouetting and corkscrewing about the stage at any one time .
12 I should think so cos you could run off with the machine .
13 I fully accept that if I want to know everything a top luthier knows then I should go away and make a serious study of the subject , but I would be quite happy to read a dedicated magazine each month from which I can learn about what 's new , who 's up to what , what new guitars are like to play etc. etc. and also the meaning of the industry 's technical terminology .
14 I should go down and lay the table , thought Marion .
15 I du n no what 's best — you know , if I should go out or stay here .
16 Does that mean I should go out and steal one ?
17 Maybe I should go out and abuse some kids , get rid of that ‘ safe ’ tag . ’
18 Nick 's worryingly calm words , ‘ I should watch out if I were you — there 's an avalanche , ’ triggered Steve and myself out of our sleeping bags like shots from a gun .
19 I am not sure whether I should stand up or stay close to Suzie .
20 I think I should stroll across and talk to Kellard .
21 It was decided that he should leave next day for London and that I should stop on and finish my baths and meet him in Paris .
22 ’ I do n't see why I should pay then if I do n't have to . ’
23 I should stress again that I am here concerned with meanings qua posited objective thought-contents of linguistic expressions .
24 In case you fail to appreciate the lustre of this honour , I should point out that you have to do something pretty dreadful to be singled out for vilification in a sermon .
25 ( I should point out that I could not bring myself to a Japanese option ! )
26 Indeed , to put things into a proper perspective , I should point out that just such bantering on my new employer 's part has characterized much of our relationship over these months — though I must confess , I remain rather unsure as to how I should respond .
27 I should point out that nothing in this book should be construed as implying that I am an authority on the caves and potholes I mention .
28 ( I should point out that had it not been for my sister Etty , who had financed this latest venture , there would have been no printing business . )
29 Stella Fearnley replies : In response to Richard Harwood 's comments , I feel I should point out that my article did not imply that the only perception of district societies is that of a practitioners ' club , and that this perception emerged from market research carried out among our members last year , not from my own opinions .
30 From a strictly medical viewpoint , I should point out that not every natural substance is harmless .
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