Example sentences of "[pers pn] should do [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Me mum said I should do a show concentrating on Paul 's work , ’ says Paul ( left ) .
2 Does it confuse you that I should do the talking and you the listening ?
3 In fact all the things you should do every week but do n't always find time for .
4 You should do a bit of practise .
5 I think you should do a survey , approach them with a clipper board as they come in and say
6 " I know what you should do , " said Clelia , " you should do a Diploma of Education or whatever it 's called .
7 I think you should do the floor
8 At some point , you will probably have to write out your own version of other people 's ideas in the form of paraphrase or summary embedded in your own work ; so it could be argued that you should do the rewriting from the outset , as you take your notes , in an effort to get at the ideas behind the words rather than just repeating the words themselves .
9 The essential thing is that you should do the homework as thoroughly as you can . ’
10 If I can get near Mum I must tell her that she should do a spot of witnessing to the woman across from her .
11 Groom stood her ground and , eventually , as a way out of the impasse , telephoned the Woman 's Page editor in London , who advised her that , as she was already in France , she should do the interview and would have to send it to the Ashleys for their approval before publication .
12 So I went upstairs and proposed that we should do a house-to-house on those two areas .
13 but whether we want at the end of it to have another water seminar , looking instead of extraction side but what the water companies are doing with our rivers it might not be a bad idea as part of er producing a considered view later on in the year but I do n't , I do n't think we can hurry this as there 's a lot of lessons to be learnt and I I do n't think we should do the work in the Fire and Public Protection Committee erm in getting our erm eyes taken off the dealing with the actual problem at the moment , we want to look , step , step back and say well what what was the cause of all that , but I do support erm proposal that we should have it listed as er
14 No I think we should do the north first , then go down to the south to meet Frank and Dave .
15 We have a good ( enough ) record at Everton , so I think we should do the business .
16 Well that 's what they should do every year because do you know what it was much better this year .
17 Only from your own personal practical point of view is it [ physics ] more worthwhile , getting a job at the end … but I think a lot of people who come to university and do a degree job that is n't related in any way and what they should get out of university is social skills , and enjoyment , they should enjoy the course , so they should do the course they want to do , I think , in as many cases as possible .
18 The South Africans therefore demanded that they should do the job , and the UN 's representative agreed .
19 But it , is n't it an awful situation when you , when you , when you look at it that evidence indicates that the erm the number of people that are either now elderly infirm or sick and and clearly that they all will have to face this , this , this terrible burden and I can not understand because there is , this , there is , there is er a total disarray within the Conservative party , that all their er er back bench er MP s are making representations to their erm their leader who possibly may not be a leader tomorrow but as long as he 's the leader today , John Major that he should do a rethink and here they are er you know , members of the same party , continuing to support something which is so idiosyncratic that you know it 's really beyond belief , er Chairman .
20 The pair agreed that he should do the job for two to three years , and would then expect to move to another , more senior position .
21 He had been asked to rewrite the words of The Rock , but he suggested to Ronald Duncan that he should do the job for him : " Watching the time he took to write even his signature , " Duncan noted , " it occurred to me that it must be a painful process for him to compose anything " .
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