Example sentences of "[pers pn] may find the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may find the door locked , ’ he says mysteriously .
2 You may find the default compiler option for the H P is different to the default compiler option to handle signed and unsigned integers or signed and unsigned bytes , may be different .
3 You may find the grain has been raised , so some fine sanding will be necessary , working only with the grain of the wood to avoid scratches .
4 You may find the patient has little interest in food , so he may need encouraging to eat a little at a time .
5 But you may find the road blocked .
6 If this is the case , you may find the Prague model discussed in section 5.2 more helpful .
7 If you are active in the evening and yet do neither of these things , then you may find the room stuffy .
8 If the yeast foods caused you to have an abdominal reaction , then you may find the weight loss came to a standstill this week .
9 You may find the boat a bit cold when winter really sets in . ’
10 If you try saying ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ with a level tone ( rather as though you were trying to sing them on a steady note ) you may find the result does not sound natural , and indeed English speakers do not use level tones on one-syllable utterances very frequently .
11 If you have problems understanding the action of any of the commands you may find the examples helpful .
12 Like Amy she may find the White House becomes a hothouse .
13 In later years , when natural mortalities and old age have taken their toll , we may find the shoal is reduced to a dozen fish or fewer .
14 We might begin by asking ourselves just what is a sexual problem : we may find the term a difficult one to define , and even more so if we attempt to assess the magnitude of the problem in any given situation or individual .
15 Let us pray that we may find the contentment which comes from living our lives to the full and being concerned and thoughtful in our dealings with others .
16 Here we may find the bream average 5lb or so , with a top weight of around 7lb .
17 We may find the attractions of a particular member of the opposite sex irresistible , even though the better judgment of our better self tells us that a liaison with that person is not in anyone 's long-term interests .
18 In the same way we may find the numbers of motions of other symmetry species , and so obtain the reduced representation :
19 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
20 Art historians may be interested in anything which requires the use of one 's eyes in order to understand it , from Chartres Cathedral and Michelangelo 's Moses to the signs and symbols of everyday life in twentieth-century society , and they may find the objects of their study anywhere from the sale rooms to the archaeologist 's excavation trench .
21 Though they may find the standards high , most people believe in right and wrong , truth and falsehood .
22 However , when somebody else uses your program they are not blessed with your insight and they may find the program " crashing out " to the command mode without knowing what they have done wrong .
23 Unless Council has a change of heart , however , and both publishes details of the results of the consultation and properly addresses the legitimate concerns expressed , it may find the changes fail to win the backing of the people who matter — the nurses themselves .
24 On the other hand , if the reader can find the patience to continue , he may find the variations in the repetition interesting and even helpful .
25 He may find the home which he has regarded as his Englishman 's castle invaded , occupied or even demolished about his ears .
26 But if you leave a child for a few minutes he may find the pills you keep in the bedside drawer and poison himself .
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