Example sentences of "[pers pn] may be [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I may be against this on principle but I do n't see why I should n't be able to make a little bit of capital , ’ he added .
2 Although you may be at some bar or club with the community interest at heart , people do n't look at you like that .
3 When the file comes to be consulted you may be in another part of the world , in hospital or long dead !
4 Or you may be like those who tell me they 've used what could have been a disaster to make their lives more what they wanted them to be .
5 ‘ I hope , sir , ’ he said , not noticing the pun , ‘ that we may be of some assistance to you in your stay in the region .
6 Yet wherever we may be in this universe , a Marine 's transformed body is his temple , containing the eucharist of Rogal Dorn ; as yours will soon be also . ’
7 There is certainly a case for insisting on the democratic control of the EMS , but that means getting more , not less involved in European politics , messy , complex and frustrating as they may be to those who long for simple black-and-white , left-and-right simplicities .
8 What he has done is describe certain linguistic features of the text which distinguish it from other texts ( he refers to Yeats 's ‘ Phoenix ’ and Tennyson 's , ‘ Morte d'Arthur ’ , as well as instances of non-literary usage ) , and which look as if they may be of some literary significance ; but he leaves it to the literary specialist to determine what the nature of that literary significance is .
9 IF THE Home Unions XV are tempted — as they may be after all the disruptive absentees and injuries — to go into tonight 's Parc des Princes Bicentenary bash less than seriously , they should consider the way the French are treating it .
10 Consequently , even although a high proportion of particular categories of material may be in poor condition in the stacks , if not many of them are issued to readers , they may be in less danger than other items which are more frequently issued .
11 And the day before his weakness waxed great , he ordered the gates of the town to be shut , and went to the Church of St. Peter ; and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo being present , and all the clergy who were in Valencia , and the knights and honourable men and honourable dames , as many as the Church could hold , the Cid Ruydiez stood up , and made a full noble preaching , showing that no man whatsoever , however honourable or fortunate they may be in this world , can escape death ; to which , said he , I am now full near ; and since ye know that this body of mine hath never yet been conquered , nor put to shame , I beseech ye let not this befall it at the end , for the good fortune of man is only accomplished at his end .
12 However different they may be from those involved in habituation , the training procedures used in studies of acquired distinctiveness necessarily involve the subjects in receiving repeated exposure to the critical stimuli .
13 IT MAY be of little comfort to Euro Disney 's shareholders , but all France 's leisure parks are struggling to make ends meet .
14 For example , it may be of little value that the authorities are able to control interest rates via monetary instruments if the relevant objectives are not very sensitive to changes in interest rates .
15 I have told this story in the hope that it may be of some help to other adoptive parents , and out of the profound belief that love is the most important thing in the world .
16 It may be of some comfort to read some words written recently by Gaby Goldscheider , an experienced antiquarian bookseller , in the Antiquarian Book Monthly :
17 It may be of some interest that the club of Hercules should be so thoroughly integrated in a Celtic religious assemblage , but this requires a specialized and more detailed study than could be attempted here .
18 If , as is all too common , Scots lawyers have to apply in their own system a document imperfectly adapted to their own familiar terms , such as is the RICS scale in this particular , it may be of some advantage to know what ‘ rent reserved ’ means , at least in the country in which it originated .
19 It may be of some importance to provide in the expert clause that the parties have the right to make representations .
20 Erm I hope it may be of some interest .
21 It may be of most value for occasional use , in known responders , to save embarrassment when sleeping away from home .
22 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
23 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
24 It is important to remember that there are risks attached to being kind to people in this state , and important also not to underestimate how difficult it may be for such people to reach out on their own .
25 It may be for this reason that Yugoslav official statistics of trade are frequently expressed in terms of dollars or , strictly speaking , in ‘ statistical ’ dollars .
26 It may be for this reason that governments committed to full employment are likely to allow the money supply to rise when faced with excessive wage claims or with rising import prices in the economy .
27 ( It may be for this reason that all South Met.
28 So — hard as it may be for some people to believe — we disinfected the whole place , sloshing the stuff everywhere .
29 It may be about that .
30 There is then not only a relative gap to be filled , in these new terms , but also , from the quality of some of the work on the arts carried out from other positions , a sense of challenge : indeed a sense that it may be above all in this still major area that the qualities of the kinds of thinking represented by the contemporary convergence stand most to be tested .
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