Example sentences of "[pers pn] must be seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To be sent to one of these ‘ special ’ hospitals you must be seen as a danger either to others or yourself .
2 As we move on with God and seek his will for us as His church , we must be seen to be addressing the issues which face us today .
3 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
4 Abroad they must be seen as great statesmen anxious to build peacemaking bridges between East and West .
5 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
6 They must be seen in perspective .
7 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
8 They must be seen by us not only as a new type of settlement but as places with individual characters and their own idiosyncrasies .
9 Kelly is at the head of the Football Association and he must be seen to be above the fray .
10 Taken all in all , though , it must be seen as the greatest of all the pending threats to present day life .
11 As we saw in the chapter dealing with rules , it is not enough for your punch to be an effective scoring technique ; it must be seen to be so , and this entails making its success obvious .
12 ‘ … and of all the jewels — the Diamond Waterfall — it must be seen to be believed … ’
13 If Chichester Cathedral represents the peak of secular church activity it must be seen against the whole range of minor church building which accompanied the extension of the parish system .
14 It must be seen against the social background of early Anglo-Saxon society in the seventh century .
15 When the shift of emphasis from moral to liturgical kingship came , it must be seen in the changing political context of ninth- and tenth-century Europe , and the emergence of new dynasties all over the once-unified empire of Charlemagne ; one of their principal qualifications to rule was their capacity to defeat external enemies .
16 In order to understand the implications of this legislation it must be seen in the context of overall Tory economic policy on employment .
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