Example sentences of "[pers pn] must have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many of them must have died in infancy and childhood , but we have no data on deaths before 1951 .
2 Bill thought I 'd died on him the other night cos I was , you know , me breathing and everything , and then all of a sudden I must 've relaxed for a bit and not needed to breathe and he give me a shock he says God I thought you were dead .
3 Say no I 'm alright and I must 've lifted my head , all I could hear was this old scraggy voice like a witch , ah serve the fucking bastard right , the fucking honest to fuck , so I must 've sat for another half an hour and I knew I had to go that way to get home .
4 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
5 I must have touched on a sensitive spot . ’
6 I do n't know , I always said I 'd never took the piss out of these children , but I 'm sure I must have done at school , but I must admit I was embarrassed .
7 I must have moved towards her as she took half a step back .
8 ‘ I feel I must have trained in the Dark Ages .
9 ‘ And one of those times I must have crossed into someone else 's territory . ’
11 I must have gone to and fro in great concentration of spirit , always anxious to get on . ’
12 On it I read , in my own writing , ‘ JANE EYRE ’ , which I must have written without thinking .
13 J. says I must have eaten at least three of the pounds myself , but that 's just his usual exaggeration .
14 However I must have played with it for that tool set led to Dad 's most embarrassing moment — something which he never ever let me forget .
15 " Then I must have applied to half of them in the last four years . "
16 Of course I did n't say anything , but I must have reacted in some way and it got through to him , because he seemed more relaxed from that point on .
17 The times are noted in.my diary and , if they are accurate , I must have survived for several days in succession on as little as one or two hours ' sleep per night .
18 Soaring out thought the airlock into the Fraxillian sunshine , I thought of how I must have looked to nay people below .
19 I must have looked like the mad ape that wandered the streets of our village with its gypsy owner .
20 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
21 I could n't blame her , I must have looked like a platoon of Japanese snipers behind all that foliage .
22 So in some way I must have passed on my fear to my children , even though I thought I was doing everything in my power to avoid doing so .
23 I must have wandered off course more than I had thought .
24 She thought I must have died in the previous night 's snowstorm .
25 Well then I must have cried for two hours and
26 Even I must have come to my senses before long .
27 ( and here I must have steered across the road )
28 I must have walked past it for days without noticing : ‘ For sale .
29 I was going out to tell the world and I must have walked from his room pumping pure adrenalin through every vein .
30 now you ha you must 've converted to a unit linked policy by continuing after the period you
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