Example sentences of "[pers pn] must [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If coal is to be the choice , does my right hon. Friend agree that scrubbers are essential at coal-fired power stations and the type of coal put into them must be low in sulphur dioxide emissions ?
2 Each of them must be aware of what that role is and understand how crime affects profitability , investment and employment opportunities .
3 Since the majority of modern machines have airbrakes which are held closed by a geometric lock , it is essential that the method of checking them must be foolproof for this kind of system .
4 I hope my decision to pay tax will help you understand that I accept I must be accountable to those I serve .
5 But I must be sure of that .
6 But I must be disappointed at how few fungi there are yet in the hedges and copses , as I start hallucinating them .
7 Erm , so this is what I 've been trying to avoid , I must be honest about it .
8 The course was aimed at improving negotiating skills which are needed because I must be capable of negotiating with management over pay and conditions .
9 And if I 'm friendly towards you in future , you 'll remind yourself , ‘ That man nearly made me his mistress — I must be ice-cold to him , ’ and ice-cold is what you 'll be . ’
10 If therefore , ‘ I ’ can not be known by description , it must be known by acquaintance , and I must be aware of it .
11 But in order to do this I must be aware of the nature of the experience already , before I compare it with others in order to get the right words to describe it .
12 What a creature must I be if you could not be abroad with a lady but I must be jealous of you ?
13 Surkov said , rising , ‘ I must be fresh for Maggie in the morning . ’
14 But I must be safe with this — I hate seeing dogs dolled up in supposedly smart clothes ; you know the kind — scarlet plastic macs with matching sou'wester and booties .
15 ‘ For all I know , it could be you that I must be wary of ! ’
16 Noting further that J.S = I and that I must be constant along the wire we may write eqn ( 3.15 ) in the modified form
17 I must be frank with you .
18 And again I must be frank in telling you , because if I do n't tell you this , one of the maids of the house will likely inform you very shortly , that I 've had two helpers already this year .
19 I find it quite ghastly being at home and not working — I LONG to get a job , and meantime , YOUR FATHER and I must be careful about money as the State only gives me £40 a week for everything including local tax ( POLL TAX ) , heating , food , gas , electricity and phone and so on .
20 I must stop this , she thought , Conrad 's getting drunk : I must be careful for him .
21 I must be brave for Perdita 's sake , said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell .
22 You must be used to them by now . ’
23 After all , your father is a farmer so you must be used to horses .
24 You must be used to the way men react to you .
25 You must be delighted with your progress , and I hope this feeling of wellbeing will encourage you to continue with the programme .
26 You have to decide how much dialect will go into your writing and to do this you must be sure of your subject and of how wide you want your audience to be .
27 You must be certain of your power .
28 You quickly realise , as Mrs Adams hopefully will , that you must be strong for your children .
29 But you must be familiar with the business end . ’
30 They may not all be required in every report you write , but you must be familiar with their functions .
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