Example sentences of "[pers pn] must [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I must confess to being a ‘ convert about this matter .
2 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
3 At least in theory ; I must confess to being peculiarly hopeless at this style of climbing and having had quite a struggle on this route in the past , which in no way detracts from its quality .
4 My Lord Mayor , I must confess to being quite surprised by the incredible naivety and complete lack of understanding that 's obviously rampant on the benches opposite with most of the items we 've dealt with today .
5 Chairman , I must confess to being erm , to being somewhat pessimistic about this whole er this this whole problem of of the need to refurbish and the need to tackle numbers in our elderly persons homes .
6 I must confess to be somewhat surprised to see the Labour Group wanting to debate thisu this issue again after their lack lustre performance in Committee and Council on the previous debates on this subject and today 's been no different .
7 I have no right to go against what I must presume to be his wishes ? ’
8 But this is where I must start to be careful in talking about ‘ our ’ love affair with the car .
9 I must admit to being pleasantly surprised on putting the EX through an amp .
10 I must admit to being worried the week before my flight , as one local farmer had already started cutting great swathes through his fields with his combine , and I was afraid some of the other growers might follow suit .
11 I must admit to being unaware of it before you wrote .
12 I must admit to being somewhat taken aback by a remark in John Stewart 's letter about Gaelic ‘ being almost completely unrelated to any of the main European languages ’ ( Points of View , today ) .
13 What I must return to is my job . ’
14 It 's interesting to note , though , that while a good number of men have ticked ‘ I must try to be more helpful at home ’ , not so many women have imagined their partners making such a resolution .
15 I must remember to be cautiously optimistic about that , there 's nothing definite . ’
16 You must learn to be aware not only of the degrees of concentration that are possible ( compare , for instance , your attention to the gripping climax of a movie with your first glances at the pages of the morning newspaper ) but also of the possibility of improving your own levels of concentration .
17 You must have to be pretty sick to see a shrink . ’
18 But really you must try to be a little consistent .
19 Whether you be a district sales executive , a vice-president finance or an operations manager , you must strive to be the best in your chosen area .
20 I love Ma , but she must expect to be unhappy because she 's reached that time of life .
21 As the Chairman , Pat Retief in his Annual Chairman 's Review says , ‘ we must continue to be a profitable company if we are to be a good employer in the fullest sense , capable of maintaining and enhancing our portfolio of assets and maximising the development of the Group 's human resources .
22 LAST year 's accounts were concluded with my statement — ‘ We must continue to be of cautious mind as to the immediate future , confident nevertheless that our chosen strategy best equips the group to weather the ongoing economic turbulence . ’
23 He 's built almost 3 different teams in the past 5 years , got us promotion , a league title and we 're now in second place , which is where we must finish to be assured of a European place .
24 As a friend of mine — who has only the most ephemeral links with any religious tradition — put it recently to me : " We must learn to be channels not engines ! "
25 The level of demand is to do not only with the tasks as they are done but also with the duration for which they must continue to be done .
26 The moral decline of the West cries out for a return to the morals of protestant Christianity which will tell the nation what they must do to be strong once more .
27 He must expect to be asked , like the woman , about his recent sexual encounters and whether a condom was used or not .
28 Another way to cope with the day is for the pro to enter totally into the spirit of it all : like the perfect publican , he must try to be arbiter , philosopher , psychologist and friend , all rolled into one .
29 How odd it must feel to be a stranger in an alien country , where even the faces on the stamps had no meaning .
30 I still wondered though , how it must feel to be a German .
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