Example sentences of "[pers pn] on to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The complete task involved lifting a number of panels from their storage racks , loading them on to a jig , clamping them into position , arc welding a seam to join them , and then transferring the welded sub-assembly from the jig to another storage rack so that it could be transported to the next production stage .
2 He nodded , and Lissa opened it , then added the key to her own set and tossed them on to a ledge next to her bag .
3 They happen to do something where there is an enormous organization geared up to pushing them on to a pedestal .
4 Why not pass them on to a hospital or children 's home where they will be treasured .
5 And but he can get them on to a disk .
6 Catherine 's anger was also aroused when a photographer took pictures of her topless on the French Riviera and sold them on to a men 's magazine .
7 Vitor slept for almost an hour and so did Thomas , but both of them awoke as they neared the outskirts of Lisbon , just in time , for now Ashley needed directions , and Vitor navigated them on to a bypass and north along minor roads .
8 ‘ He shoved me on to a toilet seat and punched me , ’ Claire said .
9 Whatever information you can send me to help steer me on to a path to a more rewarding career would be most appreciated .
10 ‘ This means I miss my connection and then it creates a scatter at Middlesbrough as they try to fit me on to a train to get to Hartlepool in time .
11 When I was a schoolgirl some friends took me on to a farm and I used to watch the milking and think what a grand life it was , so healthy , not at all like life in the pits and the factories .
12 But ask them why they interact in this way and they will eventually pass you on to a scientist who ( no matter how many equations they might try to confuse you with ) in the end can only say ‘ Well , that 's the way things are ’ .
13 ‘ Do you realize it 's two years , six months and six days since I saw you on to a train — possibly this very one — the day before I went to America ?
14 The dream-man called Duvall seized Jimmy around the neck in a way which was surely too painful to be a dream and yanked him to his feet , throwing him on to a desk .
15 As they lifted him on to a stretcher and then on to the jeep the blanket slipped away from his shoulders revealing his red hair and a very white arm covered in freckles .
16 At last , with Greg 's help , they managed to get him on to a stretcher to which he was firmly secured with nylon strapping so that it was virtually impossible for him to move , then the stretcher was carefully lifted down from the jig and into the waiting ambulance .
17 It took four of them to lift him on to a trolley and take him away for observation , with the police riding shotgun at his side , and then things gradually returned to normal — or as normal as they could given the extraordinary circumstances .
18 Kathleen grabbed Amy and they lifted her on to a trolley and wheeled her into Resus .
19 He twisted a bathrobe belt around her neck and forced her on to a bed before raping her twice in July 1991 .
20 He put the plate down on the counter in front of him then lifted her on to a stool .
21 The girl has told police that as she walked along The Phelps , a man grabbed her and forced her on to a grass verge .
22 ‘ Some swine stole her and ran her on to a coral reef , ’ I said , ‘ and I 'm spending the next two months mending her . ’
23 You use this both to anchor the sledge during a trip , by stamping it into the snow , and at the start of each day to hold the sledge , by clunking it on to a tree trunk .
24 Two waiting men in boiler suits carefully wrapped the corpse inside a canvas swathe , lifted it on to a stretcher , removed it from the room on their way downstairs .
25 She darted past him and opened the door that led to the store-room , then helped somewhat ineffectually as he dragged the mattress through and hefted it on to a stack of boxes .
26 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
27 Maurin spun the gun in his hand , tossed it on to a stool .
28 We used to get a collar of rope , manilla rope , put it on to a truck and used to stretch it out first and then cut off the lengths .
29 Yeah if we could download it on to a P C
30 The Firefly , owned by Jim Connell , of Gatley Drive , Maghull , near Liverpool , had almost sunk when rescuers managed to haul it on to a slipway and take it back to Douglas .
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