Example sentences of "[pers pn] may [adv] always be " in BNC.

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1 Assertions from pupils about what teachers call them may not always be believed by sceptical readers .
2 I may not always be able to offer a Danby or a Holmes ( Holmes is available as I write ) , but I should be considerably embarrassed if I could n't find a good view of the Gorge for a departing new graduate or a returning old one .
3 However , you may not always be so lucky and it may be necessary to return to the site the next day .
4 You may not always be successful in your application .
5 We may not always be completely happy with the published data we find in the Registrar-General 's reviews but we can not accuse him of using secondary sources when his organization has , in fact , collected all the information at first hand from the people themselves .
6 Encourage him/her to correct you , even though he/she may not always be able to explain to you what you are doing wrong .
7 While people may be held to be responsible for an action they may not always be asked to account for it .
8 Those who had somehow violated the bond of trust , friendship , loyalty — for reasons they may not always be able to discern — could find themselves suddenly and inexplicably cast out into the cold .
9 They may not always be too keen on having to wash with it … but give them the chance to make a big splash somewhere and they will never be any happier .
10 At present it is also the most popular method of analysis for provenance studies in archaeology , but it may not always be so , since scientists are continually looking for new instrumental methods of obtaining a comprehensive chemical analysis of a material .
11 This is because the law accepts that it may not always be in the best interests of a patient to receive further invasive , or aggressive , treatment .
12 The significance of the decision here , given that the case concerned a child who was not terminally ill , is its recognition that it may not always be a doctor 's duty in law to preserve life , provided certain conditions are met .
13 A team has a co-ordinator ( it may not always be the same person ) who adjusts the leadership style along a spectrum , from participative to autocratic , in the light of circumstances .
14 At the local level it may not always be easy to equate a framework of locally agreed targets with the specific levels of achievement nationally .
15 Of course these headings cover more than one question and it may not always be clear to you how the interviewer is constructing the interview .
16 It may not always be possible , but consider the feasibility of holding some of the interviews at weekends or in the evenings .
17 Indeed , it may not always be easy for workers in the formal sector to tolerate the muddle and uncertainty which sometimes surrounds informal care activity .
18 It may not always be practicable to follow exactly the recommendations as written in the accident report , but that is not an acceptable reason for merely discarding them .
19 It may not always be .
20 This suggests to me that it may not always be the lack of children that causes the distress — I 'd watched them childless , enjoying life enormously — rather , it is the realisation that biologically , they will not now be parents .
21 Do n't so we use a little star on the atom , and it may not always be carbon , cos we do n't get this sort of isomerism , indeed , like compounds as well .
22 One problem highlighted in figure 4.2 is that it may not always be possible to allocate all of the costs meaningfully to a category .
23 In fact , it may not always be correct to regard such effects as ‘ dissonances ’ at all .
24 Although it may not always be possible or necessary to quantify these factors , information can and should be collected about all of them .
25 It may not always be possible to do this when a student writes an apparently nonsensical answer ; and you should try to find out if this is because the student has not studied the subject matter of the test sufficiently , or whether the lesson notes have not explained the subject adequately to the particular student .
26 This general rule holds good except in the case of degrees including English , and of the joint degrees in modern languages and business studies , where particularly heavy pressure on places means that it may not always be possible to make offers even to applicants who possess grades above the minimum .
27 As with SPRs it may not always be possible to enter a complete description of the report into LIFESPAN although it is advisable .
28 As with SPRs , it may not always be possible to enter a complete description of the report into LIFESPAN , although it is advisable .
29 It may not always be possible or appropriate to provide services to maintain a child at home .
30 Meanwhile , let Scotland 's rugby community applaud the actions of Morris and his England colleagues which showed that the spirit of the game lives on , even although it may not always be apparent throughout a modern international match ! 930315
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