Example sentences of "[pers pn] also [vb -s] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She also displays her underside to him .
2 ‘ But Mr Holmes , she also has my photograph . ’
3 She also shows her bias for Bassanio in the music she plays when he is choosing the caskets .
4 She also teaches me French .
5 It also helps your baby feel loved and secure .
6 It also fulfils our commitment to our clients by introducing flexibly trained core crew personnel .
7 It also confutes their claim to completeness by staging narrative structures for which they can not account .
8 It also acknowledges its debt in what is said about electronic instruments to Repair or Replace ?
9 The study of technology is important in its own right , but it also deepens our understanding of a society as a whole because it is intimately connected with the way in which people are organised and the structure of their economy .
10 Tests of the drug ivermectin in Liberia have shown that not only does it stop the progress of the disease in infected individuals , it also reduces its rate of transmission .
11 Unfortunately , it also reduces their opportunity to ‘ see ’ .
12 While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk , it also renders his portrait mundane .
13 It also seeks your approval to the which has been undertaken by respective chief officers , during the current financial year , in which , is why I 'm reporting to you now in accordance with the national regulations .
14 Do n't twist the foot too far because although this engages the hip , it also turns your centre-line too far away from the opponent .
15 It also proclaims his sex and particular identity .
16 The style as a whole points to the continuing exchange of ideas between England and the Continent and also how at this social level in the first half of the seventh century the paramount members of society employed their own craftsmen to produce exotic display items demonstrating their success in leadership ; it also reflects their success in exchange in acquiring the necessary raw materials in large quantities .
17 It also reflects their emphasis on economy and efficiency ( narrowly construed ) at the expense of quality and effectiveness .
18 It also has its mapping application , MapInfo 2.0 up on Sun and HP platforms and supporting remote procedure call ( RPC ) operations .
19 It also has its frontôn or outdoor pelota wall .
20 It also reinforces his case by demonstrating the implications of not giving him the cash that he needs .
21 It also explores their use to evaluate and cost negotiating options during formal negotiating meetings .
22 The essence of clientelism requires class differences and , therefore , although it softens the harshness of status differences it also ensures their continuation .
23 It also questions its rival 's treatment of airline maintenance costs , implying that Airtours may not be providing enough against profits for future charges , and rebuts certain ‘ misleading ’ statements made by Airtours .
24 It also challenges my attitude to the more superficially respectable , whom we simply do not want to get on with , and strive earnestly to keep at arm 's length .
25 It also explains its oscillation between a concern with shrines and pilgrimages , with sanctification and the Holy Ghost , with poetry and the human spirit , and at the other pole an anxious and gloomy preoccupation with class antagonism , and with the need to consummate new territorial invasions of dangerously uncolonized cultural spheres .
26 It also explains his failure in that no-one knew which was his real priority .
27 It also hits your self confidence a little bit until you realise it 's just an equation of circumstances . ’
28 Blackfriars , as we still call it , may be a monument to Edward 's friendship with the Dominicans ; but it also marks his determination to avoid the fate of his grandfather , King John , who had been finally driven to agree to the Magna Carta by finding the gates of the City shut against him .
29 It also examines their career destination in comparison with those of other applicants .
30 Avoid being involved in a protest at all costs since , not only does it risk a disqualification , but it also ruins your concentration as you ponder over the incident .
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