Example sentences of "[pers pn] also [vb base] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I also think that apart from the corporate plan , the strategy and the mission statement , you really do need to give some vision about the future of your company and a vision in which those working with you can share .
2 ‘ I do n't think it is theatre , and I also think that potentially it 's extremely destructive to the individuals involved , though you can argue that it 's their choice .
3 And I know it 's important to be equal in careers and to have equal opportunities and I 'm not arguing against that , but I also think that perhaps , in doing so some women also lose the pride in being a woman , and e equality is n't being a man , which I think some feminists take that view , that they 're not equal to a man unless they 're earning money .
4 Dear Thug , I also believe that Right Said Fred should be shot ( Shot ?
5 We also agree that even effective treatment may not bring benefit in all cases of localised cancer because of competing causes of death and the slow rate of progression of disease in some cases .
6 We also recognise that highly trained and motivated people are critical to the achievement of our objectives .
7 As it turns out not only do we find similar " meanings " coded into quite different formal behaviours but we also find that superficially similar formal behaviours may be coded to " say " quite different things .
8 However , they also argue that only a vote for them is a vote for the Union .
9 They also hint that perhaps there is some hidden carrot symbol hidden deep in the human psyche .
10 They also believe that too much sugar in the diet , and the use of the contraceptive Pill have contributed to the problem .
11 They also report that only 13.5%of women but 28%of men had withdrawn from their course .
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