Example sentences of "[pers pn] then [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 I then clicked on the Auto Summation icon and the results were instantly inserted — and because I had left an empty row between the data and the row in which I wanted the totals , a ruling was automatically added .
2 We then went on the Underground on the line to Victoria where we caught the 08.35 train to Hayward 's Heath .
3 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
4 We then add on a first dynamic element : ( b ) a reservation sales strategy , with a constant reservation price .
5 We then add on a second dynamic element : ( c ) a declining output strategy , because of ( b ) .
6 A burst of automatic fire up front and to our left brings the column to a halt as we then squat on the wet ground and watch the tracers shoot off across the night sky .
7 They then agreed on a communiqué reaffirming " their commitment to contribute actively to a settlement of the other problems of the region " and inviting Aziz to Luxembourg .
8 They then bid on the telephone via a broker who is in the television studio .
9 The first meeting place was above a cafe in Newgate Street in the City of London , but this did not prove satisfactory and they then met on a weekly basis at another cafe near Marble Arch .
10 They then remained on the island to undertake night intruder sorties over Sicily .
11 They then worked on the script together for a few months before joining Peckinpah in England , where he was busy with pre-production .
12 It then feeds on the prey by biting it with its jaws and sucking the body juices from it .
13 He then remarks on the ‘ myth ’ that had grown up around John XXIII : This is an important statement .
14 He then served on the Frontier in the Mohmand Campaign with 5 Field Company .
15 He then embarked on a long tirade about the tactics we should adopt for a forthcoming game with an Army side .
16 He then embarked on the serious biographies which made his name .
17 He then laid on a wonderful cross a minute later for McCann to blast past Brendan Keeley .
18 Crawford 's character finishes eighth but , having overtaxed himself , he then collapses on the track .
19 He then screws on a special connector which has a blade underneath to cut the foil .
20 He then travelled on an expedition to the Holy Land , and in his absence his various enemies , including the Emperor himself , began to encroach upon his territories .
21 He then turned on the assembled crowd and mounted a scathing verbal attack on them .
22 He then appeared on the left wing to take a scoring pass from Brian Cowton after good work by the pack .
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