Example sentences of "[pers pn] could be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Some of them could be reversed by making the engine almost stop then run the opposite way .
2 During this time , churches were frequently the private property of a local lord , they were part of the resources of an estate , and any revenue from them could be used by the owner .
3 I do not know whether she had a heart or a soul or whether she could be moved by emotion ; she was simply the Grand Mistress !
4 Delight that she could be stirred by another person .
5 She needed to go back to London , to her own flat , where she could be surrounded by familiar possessions and be near to her family .
6 She liked working with her father too on such days because she could be commanded by him without being suspicious of him .
7 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
8 With ffeatherstonehaugh 's , if you came in as a guest and they liked you , you could be elected by acclamation on the spot . ’
9 But from what is available it looks as though typing Services will be rid of Wang by the end of September and we could be linked by December ( this does seem optimistic ) .
10 If , in a time of reduced employment opportunities , unemployed people rather than more traditional seasonal workers are filling a share of seasonal jobs , and if they develop a pattern of working in this fashion , they could be penalised by these regulations ( see Hansard , 4/2/87 ) .
11 The upstairs lighting circuit is laid out on the floor of the loft , taking care not to put it under any loft insulation ( where it could overheat ) , and not to put junction boxes where they could be damaged by careless feet .
12 If the trees waited for the onset of cold weather before starting to shed , they could be damaged by the shortfall in water by the time the process was complete .
13 And because they have flowered early they could be damaged by frost .
14 It was asked , when the estate had been entered in accordance with the second will , whether the debtors who had been released in the first will could secure that they should be released even from debt which they had begun to owe after the first will , and if , should the heirs try to sue for it , they could be debarred by a defence of bad faith .
15 Remote villages could join in the skiing bonanza because they could be reached by drag-lifts , which were much cheaper to install than railways or funiculars .
16 All the sheep were on lower ground where they could be reached by men on horseback , and the womenfolk had laid in stocks of flour and yeast , so that there was no shortage of food .
17 They could be constructed by random surveys of a general practitioner 's practice population ( culturally valid ) , most of whom would have had personal experience of common conditions .
18 On Nov. 18 , the Supreme Court voted by seven to two not to overturn the restraining order , and CNN then turned over the tapes so that they could be examined by Hoeveler .
19 Following the sale of the cargo and the payment of the net proceeds , U.S.$2,353,991.95 , into court , nothing further was done in the action until 16 January 1992 when Crossman Block issued a summons as ‘ solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ’ applying that the Republic of Somalia be joined as a party to the action , that the buyers of the cargo be also joined , presumably so that they could be bound by any decision of the court , and that
20 The worst moments of Clara 's domestic life were not in fact those moments at which domestic indifference fronted her most blankly and sheerly , for they could be faced by an equally stony frontage — they were those which bore witness to hidden chinks and faults , deep within the structure .
21 In the French war of 1294–8 , as we shall see , they could be exploited by the king-duke so that French occupation of the whole of the duchy was effectively prevented .
22 If the cicadas erupted every 14 years , for instance , they could be exploited by a parasite species with a 7-year life cycle .
23 The development officer took the decision about whether or not a client needed a support worker by considering whether his or her basic needs ( for food , cleanliness , warmth , sleep , safety ) were being fulfilled , and if not , whether they could be fulfilled by existing informal or formal carers .
24 And eventually they could be replaced by American products .
25 They could be replaced by automation any day . ’
26 Later chapters will consider some of these issues as they could be affected by the Alternative Religion .
27 The closer the Gnostics stood to orthodoxy , the more likely they were to wish to infiltrate the catholic community ; this was especially the case among the Manichees , but they could be detected by their refusal to drink of the eucharistic cup ( since they regarded wine as an invention of the devil ) and to make the sign of the cross ( since to them the suffering of Jesus was no actual event but a symbol for the universal condition of the human race ) .
28 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
29 The cars will be built by a team of 40 , only a few of them Italian , and they could be joined by British engine designer Brian Hart for the Italian job to be done in Surrey .
30 Didcot 's six cooling towers already dominate the local landscape … but under new planning permission announced today by energy minister Tim Eggar they could be joined by several more .
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