Example sentences of "[pers pn] when [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They when they had bought bought a a plantation of larches .
2 Her talk of moving , and the indefinable detachment he had felt in her when they had met , worried him .
3 ‘ I will speak to him , ’ he said to her when they had got out of earshot , ‘ and see if I can not resolve this matter . ’
4 She was wise enough to understand , now that her fear was leaving her , that it was Dr Neil 's very real concern which had made him so sharp with her when he had found out who it was he had rescued .
5 ‘ I 'm — I 'm — ’ Her voice was quite flat , with no sign of the bitterness that had edged it earlier , or the mad rage that must have possessed her when she had destroyed Jessamy 's clothes .
6 She tried to brush aside memories of the eager , tiny child that Hank had been , a child who had adored his ugly , heavy-footed Ukrainian grandfather , a child who had screamed with rage at her when she had thrust him into the arms of an unknown babysitter or had forced him to play alone in the basement , until he became a silent , morose schoolboy .
7 To be fair , she could n't recall actually hearing him say the boat was his , but he certainly had n't corrected her when she had assumed him to be the owner .
8 Dr Neil had been kind and friendly to her when she had served him breakfast .
9 ‘ I got a taxi , ’ she explained , remembering the odd look the driver had given her when she had confessed she had no idea where she was and wanted to go all the way to London .
10 There had been no one there for her when she had made that terrible discovery .
11 An older woman officer made it her business to tell her when she had done wrong , and she admits to at least one incident she seriously mishandled .
12 Mental transference of some sort must have taken place because , putting down his napkin and rising , he had said to her when she had begun to remove his breakfast china , ‘ McAllister . ’
13 She thought back with bitter awareness of what the astrologer had told her when she had read her charts .
14 Could he still love her when she had ceased to be a symbol and walked in the lesser light of her own individuality ?
15 And yet she had felt something , some quick negative flicker at his casual reference to the promise he had made Emily , just as she had felt that uneasy dart inside her when she had caught sight of them earlier , coming up the path together .
16 Edith had been pregnant and alone , the salesman abandoning her when she had told him her condition .
17 Scotland Yard would enlighten him when they had consulted their records .
18 ‘ You can open your eyes now , ’ the Bookman told him when they had come to a stop .
19 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
20 He had not anticipated that she would still retain sufficient will-power to deny him when he had asked his empty , ritual question .
21 Alex and Chris were playing poker as I walked in , and after explaining my predicament one of the Frenchmen handed over an old copy of the local paper which he had brought with him when he had joined .
22 ‘ How did you know about that ? ’ she asked him when he had reached her side .
23 The flare of hatred vanished , to be replaced by the now familiar wave of misery that had descended on him when he had broken up with Suzi .
24 She closed her book ; her papa had given it to her before she left for England and she blushed a little on remembering how short she had been with him when he had handed it over to her .
25 On the question of religion , the Buddhist tends to think of it as a raft with which to cross the tempestuous seas of existence , and the Buddha once asked , " What would you say to someone who carried his raft around with him when he had arrived ? "
26 Or so John-William Dallam 's lawyers had made clear to him when he had signed the marriage-contract a week ago , telling him what his allowance was to be , what it was meant to cover , by how much he could overdraw , to whom he would be answerable if his affairs fell into disarray , making it all sound more like an application for employment than a romance .
27 I had n't known him when he had left for Britain , but when I saw him I somehow knew that he was my father .
28 It was what should have happened to him when he had come in from Athens , and had n't .
29 Since then , since the whole-hearted and selfless manner in which she had helped him , and had comforted him after Effie 's death — he remembered her saying gently to him when he had railed against Fate and his own incompetence , ‘ Do n't , Dr Neil , do n't .
30 She had only seen him when she had climbed the wooden steps up to the promenade : he was out of sight of the kiosk , waiting across the road , almost hidden in the dark cave of an amusement arcade .
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