Example sentences of "[pers pn] out [conj] they [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 I mean some people just do n't expect you to let them out so they 're dreaming mostly .
2 We 'll sort them out cos they 're just they 're easy really .
3 But what it was , they were like it was like G A N do them er Man and Co And they had sort of like a job like Dave 's and a lot of them what they 've done is they 've bought in this area , I mean probably most areas they 've bought the repossessed they 've got about eight or nine houses they 're either renting them out or they 're leaving them empty .
4 and then put them in , it 's so much to ease my mind in the morning , is all I 've got to do is take them out and they 're pretty , they 're fresh , they 'll defrost by lunchtime and
5 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
6 No I shall shove them out as they are .
7 The other thing is um , and you can spot this from correlation , matrixes and and factor analyses , erm if there 's a lot of items that correlate quite highly together you can boot some of them out because they 're not telling you anything that the other items do n't already tell you sort of thing .
8 ‘ We take them out if they are aboard , right ?
9 Parents are mostly unwilling to carry it out unless they are very desperate and nothing else has worked .
10 For some people , the state of marriage is all-important , so they will stick it out whether they 're happy or not .
11 Any other and I put diabetes in there asthma is an illness which erm you may come across , it 's the clogging up , it 's something irri irritates the tubes , the windpipe and the bronchial tube and the person can not draw air in , well they can draw it in but they ca n't get it out and they 're , and they 're trying very hard and the noise , has anybody heard anybody with an asthma attack ?
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