Example sentences of "[pers pn] can not help [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I can not help hearing ,
2 When I see those beautiful scenes in Armide or Thésée roll on wonderfully with an air of fullness and ease in the same key , I can not help exclaiming : how could that single key contain so many lovely things ?
3 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
4 I can not help thinking that the booby who so completely misses the point of the question is often actuated by some hidden ( and mistaken ) motive of self-preservation .
5 I can not help thinking , on broad principles , that the staying proceedings in an action brought without any cause is no good consideration for a promise such as is relied on here .
6 This was followed by an interview between the President and Von Papen : and I can not help thinking that , during their conversation together , the former must have assured the latter that , so long as she could hold out against Allied demands , Turkey would abstain from hostile action towards Germany .
7 I can not help believing that the most discerning public must be interested in this work .
8 I can not help feeling that any good done might have been cancelled out by oil fires in the Gulf .
9 As one reads the various strictures of the Old Testament prophets against those who exploit their economic power , I can not help feeling that their major relevance within the U K today is to the trade union movement by the power exercised by elements within it .
10 Indeed , if it were to be as firmly and clearly drawn as some of our mentors would wish , I can not help feeling that a number of leading cases in your Lordships ' House would never have been decided the way they were .
11 The description of the facts is somewhat exiguous and I can not help feeling that if they had been fully stated the case would fall to be treated as involving a demand colore officii rather than as supporting the Woolwich principle .
12 Although the matter does not arise in this appeal because Woolwich were fully aware of all the relevant circumstances , I can not help feeling that there is some illogicality in treating as voluntary a payment by someone who justifiably believes that the demand is lawful whereas in fact it turns out to be unlawful .
13 At the same time I can not help feeling that the defence is one which ought to be used with great discretion , and that for two reasons .
14 I can not help feeling that there must be a lesson here .
15 I can not help feeling that the life Anna lived was at least lived in every sense of the word , rather than spent miserably , in gossip and the petty concerns of the women around her .
16 She has such a thirst after knowledge that the more she knows , I verily think the humbler she is , and I can not help letting go as fast as she pulls as my son used to do to his kite .
17 But when , as I fear , you have lost your innocence and added another to the number of fools he has ruined , I can not help showing my displeasure to you .
18 Nevertheless , I can not help wondering about the parcels , for that is something so out of the ordinary , and about the things which are now missing .
19 By the same token , I can not help wondering what will be the result of a survey among half the 2,500 members of the British Psychological Society to establish how many of them have had sexual relations with their clients .
20 But I can not help wondering whether the dark mood of the ballet was at least partly influenced by Britten 's opera Peter Grimes , which also included episodes of fishermen mending their nets .
21 The Bill also imposes an automatic one-year driving ban , but I can not help wondering how many young people will be deterred by that — particularly as many of them drive without a licence anyway .
22 But having followed his behaviour over the past few Christmas seasons , I can not help wondering what sort of cringing helot population is to be found in the County of Nottingham which is prepared to put up with such a Chief Constable .
23 And I am endeavouring to destroy that worth I can not help admiring ?
24 ‘ I should be loth to create more difficulties , but I can not help following a line of thought to its logical end .
25 And you can not help keeping your fingers crossed for him .
26 But it is the tragedy of life that you can not help thrusting and straining .
27 For I think you can not help pondering on our meeting last night .
28 You can not help noticing that the incidence of fatalities among Boyd 's artistes seems remarkably high , even by the alarming standards of the pop business .
29 Given the clear-sightedness of his book , and the proximity of the National Theatre to the Palace of Westminster , you can not help feeling that it might be worth giving Mr Eyre a chance as well .
30 We can not but be overwhelmingly impressed by what the Chinese have achieved in the country and elsewhere , but at the same time we can not help seeing the comic side of the rituals in which we find ourselves participating .
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