Example sentences of "[pers pn] can put a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But , she resolved , I 'm going to do what I can to put a stop to it .
2 Even I can put a computer in like those
3 I own an ex-Irish army Series III 1972 Land Rover , I 've recently fitted a Range Rover V8 instead of the 2,25 and would like to know if I can put a transfer box on to a 5-speed SD1 gear box .
4 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
5 But presumably I can put a mouse driver in later ?
6 I can put an end to myself in it .
7 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
8 You can put a histogram on the machine , without actually having the numbers there , and this conveys information , I think , visually very rapidly .
9 So as a fraction you can just write , this is if you just write , that 's erm he over here you can put a heading fraction erm you can go back to your pen now .
10 ‘ And if you can put a smile on someone 's face at the same time , that 's great . ’
11 Previously one 's knowledge of stars comes from the light that comes in in the optical range and the visible range , or in perhaps the ultra violet if you can put a satellite above the atmosphere .
12 You can put a varnish stain on .
13 So that you can put a brand new car on at eh , A and by the time it gets to the other end it 's literally got rust problems .
14 Erm you know you can look at that or you can put a protractor on it and
15 Well you can put a bit more in ca n't you ?
16 But you 're not sure you can put a name to them .
17 The main summits each have a blue plaque attached to the railings at an appropriate point , so that as you walk the pavement , head turned to the south , you can put a name to your favourite mountain .
18 I wonder if you can put a letter into your ‘ Help Line ’ section for me .
19 You have n't been on the receiving end of Doreen 's barbs , but if they pierce Ling 's skin to the extent of causing him to leave your service you can put a ring round the fact that there will be … definite disruption .
20 There was no hit and miss about it as can happen today where you can put a camera virtually anywhere and zoom into the position for any shot you want .
21 It actually doe it works for triangle , you can do a triangle as well cos of course if you realize you can put a line across there a line across there a line
22 You know when er , you 're going on away or on t' beach or summat and you put your toiletries in and you can put a towel and that ?
23 And when it does that , you can put a needle in there and just all the stuff comes out all the
24 And like then , like dad said if you 've got a decent sized garden at the back if you wan na extend you can put an extension on the back ca n't you ?
25 I do n't think you can put an age sort of level on it .
26 You can put an advertisement in the Law Society 's Gazette or write to firms at random , but if this method produces an offer you will need to take all possible steps to sound opinions upon the standing of the firm .
27 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
28 We 've got a lot of friends whom we can talk to about a policy generally , and where we can put a word in .
29 It makes people think they 're invincible , they can put a seatbelt on and they 'll be all right .
30 Have you noticed the effect of a genuine smile of welcome , how it can put a stranger at ease ?
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