Example sentences of "[pers pn] would never [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm a fashion type , ’ he reflects , ‘ but I would never raise my kid wearing any brand names .
2 ‘ I 'm a fashion type , but I would never raise my kid wearing any brand names .
3 However I could not become a sperm donor ( Letters NI 189 ) , especially if this would mean I would never know my child or the woman who bore it .
4 I toyed with the idea of committing suicide , but I knew in my heart and soul I would never take my own life .
5 I would never put my career before love , it 's not worth it , ’ she says .
6 As a veterinary surgeon I would never turn my back on a sick or injured animal .
7 He did say before he went that I would never see my son again .
8 So , while they would never encourage my sisters to leave , they made it clear that my time had come .
9 He had taken the name Adrian IV and had ruled the church in the twelfth century , a fact that very few people other than myself knew , but a fact I had been foolish enough to tell McIllvanney whose hatred of ‘ taigs ’ , Catholics , ensured he would never forget my papal connection .
10 I tried to speak to Brian Clough but he would never take my calls .
11 It would never enter my head to read a textbook on race-driving .
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