Example sentences of "[pers pn] would not be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I soon learned to differentiate between the occasions on which I would not be missed , like chapel , and those on which my absence would be obvious , like team games where positions were allotted in advance .
2 I would not be mistaken over this , ’ replied Merymose shortly .
3 He said I would I would not be accepted .
4 I would not be threatened by McIllvanney .
5 Les Stewart , Senior Manager at Oban , who has responsibility for Scarinish , had perceptively anticipated that I would not be over-extended during my stay on the island .
6 ‘ I knew that I would not be allowed to box but I proved a point by showing up , ’ he said .
7 I would not be left out !
8 Roza Niedzwiedz would gladly have come with me but , as an alien , she feared she would not be granted re-entry into Britain .
9 I wonder if ‘ name and address supplied ’ would volunteer to be chased five miles by an angry mob being happy in the knowledge that when caught he or she would not be beaten up but dispatched humanely ?
10 She lived in Half Moon Crescent ( he had checked the number and the street before he 'd started out on his trek , so that even if Slater had lost or forgotten her number , she would not be lost to him ) .
11 Though she was being forced to work for Vass , at least she could be thankful that she would not be called upon to endure the misery of working alongside him !
12 One thing that I did tell her was that if I ever got arrested she would not be involved .
13 But no , she told them , she would not be pigeon-holed .
14 She would not be destroyed .
15 Kabir came to the market to sell from his loom when the woman grasped his hand , blaming him for being faithless , and followed him to his house , saying she would not be forsaken .
16 He remembered every single one of the stolen meetings ; how he had gone to her bedchamber by night , how she had come into the warm drowsy afternoons to find him , when everyone was busy about something and no one knew where anyone was and she would not be missed .
17 But she would not be denied , not now .
18 She would not be denied her wishes .
19 She would not be tyrannised .
20 She suspected that the good doctor might be laying it on a little thick , but she would not be put off , and said in her stiffest voice , ‘ Yes , I understand all that , and I am prepared to work hard , ’ and she added for good measure , ‘ You need not worry about followers .
21 But she would not be put down ; she would not .
22 Under hypnosis Sylvia remembered being adamant in her refusal to join in a game of hide and seek , which would have involved her in hiding in isolated , cramped and possibly dark surroundings so that she would not be found .
23 She would not be taken for a fool , either , not when it mattered so much as this .
24 She would not be taken in , of course ; but it might be difficult to refuse politely .
25 The first time she discovered the awful mess he had deliberately left in the kitchen , Beth was determined she would not be used as a skivvy .
26 She would not be forced to invent further spurious reasons for contacting the victim 's widow .
27 She would not be squeezed in .
28 ‘ If she was pregnant , ’ Corbett cryptically replied , ‘ she would not be allowed to leave . ’
29 He was a superbly male animal , he was used to beguiling women with his dark sorcery , but she would not be counted among them .
30 Her one , clear thought was that , whatever he said , she would not be convinced by him .
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