Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I would ignore the claims of Nottingham Forest 's Nigel Clough and Southampton 's Matthew Le Tissier , but I 'll explain why later .
2 Had I to do this all over again , I would ignore the coins as quite irrelevant , like the samian in the Margidunum well , and place the date in the second half of the fourth century .
3 ‘ At night I would wrap the children in blankets , put them in the car , and drive down to New Covent Garden to collect the fruit and vegetables . ’
4 I saw them from the window and called to them that I would tell the police who they were .
5 I grip the baseball bat with a hand at either end as I would grip the handlebars of a bike .
6 In all the seminar based work mentioned above , I would expect the students to play a rather more organising role than previously .
7 And the pr we 're er , I would expect the profits of Thames to be in line with that that we expected when we acquired the business .
8 I would expect the causes to be physical and psychological ; overwork , the ennui of middle age , or a need to find some meaning to existence .
9 I will not seek to justify this , any more than I would expect the Tories to justify the three day week , the Suez Crisis or any other element of their sordid history , for what we are discussing is a situation facing thousands of people in this district today , and what we are gon na do to ensure that they have a future .
10 I would watch the brothers sparring and the women , heads down , picking into their food with a concentration more usually associated with ruminants , and wonder how this family had cohered in the past .
11 I would think the oranges will have pips in wo n't they ?
12 My own view is that the President and the other nations are to help Saddam wind up his regime , I would hope the Iraqis would do that , but if not , they , then we , that is the United Nations .
13 There , I would dissect the brains into the same crudely defined regions we had adopted for the imprinting studies and do the biochemistry .
14 I would remind the surgeons involved in such instances that they , and not the duty psychiatrist , are in the best position to know if an operation is in the best interests of the patient .
15 ‘ Thinking I would stretch the rules to suit myself is very different from thinking I would be so consumed by greed that I would commit a felony . ’
16 I would line the men up outside , then I would pick out the youngest and strongest for sweeping and cleaning .
17 I would follow the police officers escorting the prisoner or prisoners up a flight of stairs into the small but impressive court-room , where I took a chair reserved for reporters at counsel 's table .
18 As for the components required for the filter , I would follow the manufacturers ' instructions .
19 I was thinking I would boil the sheets that evening and ask the chemist for a powerful disinfectant and give myself a vinegar douche to get rid of all the germs inside me .
20 He was right when he said the question I would have to answer most was ‘ When do we reach so and so ? ’ … and if I were a regular waiter he said I would know the answers , even though we 're thirty-five minutes earlier everywhere than the regular Canadian . ’
21 I would describe the Shoe-gazers as being a bungalow , but they 're in a … slightly empty tower block , where no-one 's particularly interested in living any more . ’
22 I would like the boys to go and get out their topic folders and colour the map that shows all the things that the Romans are hoping to find in Great Britain .
23 Erm , they are about procedures but I would like the committees view on them .
24 I would like the members of this authority to have a look at the reply I make no apology for the length of the reply to Mr 's very important question .
25 He went on : ‘ I would like the contents of his pockets now ; his clothes will go to Forensic . ’
26 Except I would say the winders are worse off cos they 're doing three shifts .
27 I would imagine the cushions maybe were more plain .
28 I would imagine the bits of Oscar were removed after his death , rather than being the cause .
29 Let me say that I would imagine the courses were genuine for most of the time , but on occasional weekends , perhaps , they taught something rather different . ’
30 ‘ Well , if I were you I would cultivate the gravitas of Jeeves .
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