Example sentences of "[pers pn] as [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And as I as I told you before , we was on the main concourse , heard the glass smashed , we come down a stairwell on , come round the back , saw the two , or saw two persons in the back garden , asked them what they were doing buy which time the the curtain went up in smoke , well up in flames .
2 Erm when I came on to the flats I came with an open mind and I was gon na you know take things as I as I met them .
3 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
4 For his part he noticed , not the dress but the slender-waisted , full-breasted figure it adorned ; the pretty face and the abundant dark hair which the bonnet framed ; the large amber eyes which met his as he helped her in .
5 But I thought you were so experienced that it would n't have affected you as it did me . ’
6 As we as I approached them , I saw flames coming from the the curtains .
7 The man , who can not be named , told police : ‘ I wanted to hurt her as she hurt me . ’
8 The man told detectives : ‘ I only wanted to hurt her as she hurt me . ’
9 Something clenched inside her as she said it .
10 Yet her heart fluttered anxiously inside her as she said it .
11 Dommer swung his flamer up to cover her as she twisted her handgun around .
12 He had n't said a great deal , content to look at her as she told him all about life in the convent and of the strange foibles of some of her companions .
13 She was conscious , as she marched angrily away , of his mocking eyes watching her as she made her escape .
14 David Fairfax would not let the subject go and went on questioning her as she showed him round .
15 Guilt , easily aroused , stirred within her as she guessed he intended it should .
16 Richard hugged her as she gave him the keys .
17 The two women grinned widely at her as she approached them and the elder of the two spoke after Ruth had tried haltingly to explain why she was here .
18 An odd tremor of expectation thrilled through her as she held his slightly mocking glance .
19 However , because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become ‘ Mrs Benn ’ , you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her , and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years .
20 Educated at home , she in turn taught her younger brothers and sisters , which irked her as it prevented her from pursuing her own studies .
21 He glared at her as he dragged her along by the hand at top speed .
22 He turned towards her as he said it .
23 He did not look at her as he said it , but there was a sudden unmistakably sharp edge to his voice that warned Ronni that the smile had gone from his face .
24 ‘ With your colouring , you should wear that shade of green more often , ’ he told her as he ushered her into the dove-grey Daimler .
25 She clung to him , terrified he would drop her as he carried her upstairs to her bedroom .
26 ‘ I 'll see you at the office on Monday morning , ’ Damian told her as he walked her home in the hot , humid night to her own villa next door and cicadas buzzed metallically as they walked past the fountain .
27 He had never called her that before ; nor had he ever touched her as he touched her now , his good right hand caressing both of hers where they lay atop the bedclothes .
28 Hands that had held her as he kissed her — Stop it ! she told herself .
29 Bill 's voice gave nothing away but Kelly noticed that he avoided looking at her as he gave them their orders .
30 Fran flushed even more , trying to draw away , but he would n't let her as he curled her to him and held her tightly until the ache subsided .
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