Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [been] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lucy was weeping as she had been that afternoon .
2 Later , much later , Kelly was to reflect on how lucky she had been that day .
3 It was barely five a.m. and dawn was just breaking , but she was wide awake , as she had been all night long .
4 She had worn a full-length coat because it was all she had that was decently subfusc ; now she wished that she had been less conformist .
5 In fact , she had almost convinced herself that they had been some sort of reaction to the arrival of that poison pen letter .
6 There was the usual bawdy banter , of course , and it had been that way ever since she first put on her white apron and began serving behind the counter .
7 On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam , and far fuller than it had been that morning .
8 The ground fire was much worse than it had been that morning .
9 It was shimmering under the surface as it had been all afternoon .
10 ‘ Leith , ’ he said , but his look was no warmer , no less arrogant than it had been all morning , ‘ you do n't … ’ he went on , and seemed slightly stuck for words .
11 What if it had been some lunatic who sounded like her , someone who had lured her here for a reason .
12 Well , it had been some while since she 'd walked ten miles in one go — or even five , for that matter , she excused her fluttering heart .
13 It had been some time since I had visited Ingleborough , so last summer I went back with a couple of friends to rediscover some of its hidden treasures .
14 It had been some time since they had had the chance for such indulgences .
15 But , city dweller as she had always been , she had been aware of every sound — the gentle lapping noises of the canal against the side of the boat , the small night sounds of birds and other creatures , and it had been some time before weary body and brain relaxed .
16 It had been some time now since the old pilots had been in a dog-fight , and Killion for one was sweating heavily by the time he landed .
17 Whichever way , she probably had n't given it much thought at the time and it had been some time later when her mother had told her that he had left the country and gone abroad to work .
18 If it had been any priest other than Father Devlin he would have told him to go to hell and mind his own business .
19 It had been this problem which had led to the complex arrangements for picking up Ruggiero on his release .
20 And how quick it had been this time !
21 ‘ What would he want a word about ? ’ she questioned hostilely , wanting him to be gentle as he had been that morning .
22 She climbed down , aware suddenly of how close he was to her , closer than he had been all morning , and when she turned , it was to find him looking down at her , a strange expression in his eyes .
23 ‘ And that 's where he had been this time ? ’
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