Example sentences of "[pers pn] at the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 's table he goes and there 's a dick head in glasses that would n't serve you at the tuck shop cos it was closing .
2 I do n't mind how many times he rings you at the phone box .
3 Were I to meet any of you at the golf club or the Mayor 's banquet I am sure we could talk as equals over a glass of sherry and a snipe sandwich .
4 Having taken your bags of donated books from you at the church door last year , you may like to know that despite the awful rain this week , Christian Aid Sale funds stood at around £35K by noon today , so the total should be up on that figure .
5 Yeah well what I 'm gon na do , I 'm gon na meet you at the village hall .
6 Were n't you at the village concert ? "
7 Well I wo n't be paying for another lot of lessons for you at the drama class David because that 's two weeks in a row you 've been saying you 've not gon na go .
8 Well I 'll drop you at the paper shop while I go round
9 Well I 'll drop you at the paper shop while I go round
10 Oh I , I said that to you at the time Robert , I mean I 'll be honest and I saw that document and I nearly died and it 's the way they say it too
11 Colleagues who one year lecture you at the Star Chamber on how you have more than enough money turn up the next asking for extra themselves .
12 So if people would like to er sponsor you and they have n't got in touch with you , can they get you at the fire station — how do they get in touch with you ?
13 As a first step you might refuse the plastic bags that are thrust upon you at the supermarket check-out and use boxes to carry home the food .
14 How are things with you at the District Hospital ?
15 It 's sad , going away , but it must be nice all the same to have someone kiss you at the railway station .
17 I 'm not proposing that to you at the moment Chairman , I 'm just pointing it out to members so that there 's no confusion on it .
18 He also told you to ask Sir Charles to meet you at the moor gate .
19 It was a pleasure to meet and be enrolled by you at the W/W Show and I 'm glad that the Fellowship is going to be just that .
20 Perhaps you have observed me , I am often around , if you are not fixed up at the moment what about me waiting for you at the bus stop tonight ?
21 I look forward to seeing you at the Exhibition launch at the Advice Shop on the evening of the 13th .
22 They will also meet you at the train stations .
23 We at the Institute research into those disasters erm for which we currently have an expertise , as it were , but erm our group was founded actually at the beginning of erm the nineteen seventies and we have specialised quite a lot into looking at famine food erm emergencies and nutritional and medical engineering , sanitation aspects of famines , and lately we 've included in that erm quite of lot of , of work , research work into refugees , the cause of refugees , the prevention of refugees , the alleviation of suffering of refugees , particularly in developing countries .
24 We at the Business Venture act as a go-between for supplier and buyers and help them develop trading links .
25 As one of Ayrshire 's major industrial employers , we at the power station are always pleased to be able to make a contribution to the local community .
26 Er we at the County Council think that to delete that Greater York erm dimension would take us back to the realms of uncertainty , past uncertainty , in the Greater York area , we 're therefore proceeding with a Greater York dimension in policy H One at none thousand seven hundred dwellings , which equates to hundred percent migration .
27 She sat down opposite him at the kitchen table and fixed him with the kind of look that usually preceded a full eighteen-round contest .
28 I telephoned him at the shipping company , but was told that he was not in the office .
29 We saw him at the Test matches , congratulating Gooch .
30 I opened my eyes at fucking five to six and I could see him at the window Ken ran then across the road and he says Dawn your brother 's been trying to get in for ages .
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