Example sentences of "[pers pn] have been [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not quite sure why I have been summoned to the Home Office . "
2 I have been limited to a reduced number of pages , but I have tried hard to make them count .
3 I have been banished to a windy concrete corridor far from everywhere .
4 The desire to outshine others provoked extravagance , such as that shown by a Marquise who wrote to a friend : ‘ I have been invited to Compiègne for a week so I have sold a mill ! ’
5 ‘ A couple of the DJs and I have been invited to a party being given by one of the local music companies .
6 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
7 On Sunday I have been invited to a farmhouse-restaurant in the country to sample some rural Brazilian fare .
8 ‘ Because I have been born in England , I have been taught to be independent , original and to think for myself .
9 Since I came , I have tasted all I have been asked to .
10 I know I have been reduced to a babble of disconnected comments , which do n't really say much .
11 ‘ At the moment , I have been chosen to captain England in one Test .
12 I said ‘ I have been married to him for 15 years . ’
13 I said ‘ I have been married to him for 15 years . ’
14 I have been known to erm , one time only , actually I ca n't do that , oh , but I do bath t t t t
15 My family and I have been subjected to unprovoked stone-throwing and spitting by gangs of youths who I presume are from right wing groups .
16 Since this news broke , I have been subjected to numerous snide remarks concerning my ability to spot a footballer when I see one .
17 The passage could be read as ‘ this is not my ‘ Histoire de l'oeil ’ , but a male story that I have been subjected to ’ , or as ‘ this is not ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ but my story of the eye which is not a his-story but a hystery , i.e. a female story ’ .
18 After the hearing the woman said : ‘ It 's ridiculous that I have been brought to court .
19 And it should happen that it 's God 's will that you have been sent to us for protection and education .
20 He said ‘ In future you 'll wear pyamas and Kamiz to school , and I have heard that you do n't cover your head , though you have been asked to .
21 If you have been asked to , observe the contents of pan and report if there is anything unusual , such as blood or a change of colour .
22 The idea is to imagine you have been called to a ‘ convention ’ to set the rules of the constitution and the social and economic structure of society .
23 You have been recommended to me , ’ Corbett answered brusquely .
24 There are many who are surprised to discover that the words you see before you have been brought to you with little electronic influence beyond that which goes on within the brains of the writer and reader .
25 This should be used to adjust the model in a manner similar to that which you have been used to so far .
26 ‘ I believe you have been introduced to the Imperial Adjudicator . ’
27 Which probably , I think because none of you have been introduced to it , would be too heavy to go through to any great extent .
28 And as a result we have been treated to the delightful sight of Princess Diana in a variety of stunning swimming costumes .
29 But I wish it had n't been tonight , for tonight we have been invited to Gemma 's house for supper .
30 The inward grace is that we have been born to a new relationship with God .
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