Example sentences of "[pers pn] have be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the 14 years since 1978 , during which I have been the only consultant physician in respiratory medicine in West Cumbria , there should , according to the above statistics , have been at least 70 deaths from asthma and yet I know of very few , having personal knowledge of only three .
2 I have been the first to pay tribute to improvements in productivity in the coal industry , but they must continue if the industry is to provide , as I believe that it can , the bulk of supplies to fossil-fuel generators in the years to come .
3 ‘ Cara , this time I have been the one wrestling with the problem of trust .
4 This is unsettling , and makes me realise that for those three and a half hours I have been the still and passive object of her intuition as well as her technical skill .
5 I have been the weaker vessel .
6 One day we went for a tour around the mill and the lasting memory that I have is the terrible clattering of the looms and the speed at which the never idle operators worked to ensure that their piece of material was faultless .
7 Especially as we have been the better side 3 out of 4 matches .
8 What we have is the mediocre trying to replace the ordinary .
9 In the meantime all we have is the popular version that Blake was befriended by a 32-year-old Irishman , Sean Bourke , who at the time was coming to the end of a seven-year sentence and was living in the prison hostel just inside the perimeter wall of the prison but allowed to go out to work each day on parole .
10 Celtic 's problem is that Rangers are one of the tiny minority and they have been the pre-eminent team on a domestic level , while the other half of the Old Firm have gone four years without winning anything .
11 ‘ We 've played Bristol three times this season and they have been the better side each time .
12 They have been the commonplace stuff of the party political debate that is adversary politics .
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