Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She 's for this house .
2 It 's for all week so I 'll see you tomorrow afternoon .
3 It 's for that reason people like us read , ai n't it , Gal ? ’
4 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
5 It 's for that reason that I still support the original line which was to merge the centres with a common management structure headed by a single head of the project .
6 It 's for that thing .
7 It 's for each person , that 's why like the playwright does n't specify what each thing 's supposed to mean because it can mean whatever it wants to each member of the audience .
8 Yeah but not but it 's not for school it 's for some people outside school , it 's a sort of
9 I told you man , it 's for this university study .
10 It 's for this time .
11 Their justification for doing it is that it 's for this thing , this painting or whatever , and I always wonder if it could n't be more without all that . ’
12 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
13 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
14 It 's for this reason that the setting up of a risk management group is considered the essential feature in the first step to control : identifying the risks relevant to a specific organisation .
15 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
16 JE : Presumably it 's for this reason that he asked Plomer to collaborate on Gloriana instead .
17 Tilson , who 's married and used to be a school cleaner , has n't been seen since the attack 3 weeks ago , and it 's for this reason , police have taken the unsual step of naming him as a suspect .
18 And it 's for this reason , I think , that people quite properly are interested in Darwin 's theory of evolution , are worried about it and so on .
19 Gosh , is this all it 's for this television ?
20 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
21 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
22 I think that feeling has got to be dispelled and it 's for these points that the , for these reasons the government needs to turn its attention a little bit more er to the issues that I that I have raised and I would refer in conclusion Madam de deputy speaker , the minister to the Bank of England 's er memorandum submitted to the treasury and civil service er select committee in its report published on eighth of December last year when at page a hundred and eighty five they draw attention to the European directives that the minister himself referred to .
23 It 's for these troops that the men and women of RAF Lyneham 's AeroMedical Evacuation Squadron are preparing to fly out and offer essential support .
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