Example sentences of "[pers pn] were on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was about then I felt as if I were on a small boat on stormy seas .
2 ‘ I would n't ask him for help if I were on a sinking ship and he was the only one with a lifebelt ! ’
3 All they told me was that if I were on the public payroll I 'd take a ride out to Westminster Drive and have a long talk with Mrs. Laura Channing .
4 She began to wish she were on a surgical ward , but there was no chance of that happening within the next couple of months .
5 She 's knocking on , she were on the other day
6 For a moment she wished she were on the top floor of a very , very high skyscraper .
7 You were on a raised platform and I passed before you in the parade . "
8 So he said , you were on the right and this lady was on the left near the gutter side ?
9 If you were on the new year 's Honours list you 'd be pretty chuffed too .
10 Anything else that you noticed when you were on the other side of the road ?
11 You were on the same thing all day all day long .
12 Mind you , if you were on the top floor , you would n't think your clocks up there were going fast .
13 You were on the wrong side , ’ said the post driver .
14 ‘ Imagine how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of your criticism , ’ she suggests .
15 These hamlets were mostly called Winterbourne in 1086 , and distinguished by their separate owners-they were on the probable former royal estate of Winterbourne , possibly centred on Winterbourne Stoke ( Fig. 15 ) .
16 There were 13 of us , aged 17 — 19 , and we were on a month-long adventure organised by World Challenge Expeditions , a company which offers young people the opportunity to join treks around the world , from the mountains of Nepal to the rainforests of Ecuador .
17 I could hardly credit it when Carole said we were on a cushy number ; she 'd spent whole days hacking down rhododendrons and that was really back-breaking work .
18 WE were on a northerly course , well into the Arctic Circle , east of Jan Mayen Island .
19 ‘ Maybe it is n't accessible , ’ Ash said , fag in mouth , holding the steering wheel with her knees and making a stretching , circling motion with her shoulders ( we were on a quiet stretch of motorway , thankfully ) .
20 Directions for the great north-south coastal highway came up and suddenly we were on a dual carriageway that cut through the remains of a giant sand slide .
21 We were on a lonely stretch of road just outside London : it was late in the afternoon , darkness was about to fall and we were arguing about whether we should hurry on to the city or stay at some roadside tavern for the night .
22 Apart from the pouring rain , we had to contend with mist — luckily we were on a clear path .
23 We did n't see the ball go in because we were on the 9th tee , but we heard hell of a din behind and Tom said , ‘ Some guy must have holed out . ’
24 Perhaps our wine fell into the hands of looters , though we were on the Pakistani side and Muslims are n't supposed to touch alcohol . ’
25 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
26 We were on the top flat , so I could n't get out to play ; my Ma was feared I 'd fall down the stone stairs and break my neck .
27 When we were on the Big Wheel . ’
28 But what we 'll do is take it there early in the morning , we 'll get he back the bus back to Liverpool , we 'll go to the pier head and we 'll go on the ferry to New Brighton and there was me prattling all on at him and the next thing er , you di , we did n't know that , we thought we were on the main right of way street and your dad started to go across and I looked , your dad was driving , I was sitting beside him and coming towards us along this other road , which had the right of way but we did n't know was a little black mini , I was a ergh , ergh oh Harry , Harry !
29 We were on the fortieth floor of the UN Plaza .
30 It was my role to lead the squadron off and that night we were bound for somewhere in the Ruhr and we were on the short runway at Oakington .
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