Example sentences of "[pers pn] that she was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
2 ‘ The further the better , ’ I would tell him , but he never laughed , just reminded me that she was always top in every subject
3 SHE TOLD me the story , but not before she had advised me that she was absolutely scandalized .
4 All of that I could understand , but it concerned me that she was so nervous and desperately unhappy .
5 Every evening my mother would come home from work , tired , and it seemed to me that she was only interested in her job or , more specifically , the personal affairs of her colleagues .
6 It struck me that she was less brilliant than her sister , both mentally and physically , but also , perhaps as a consequence , less conceited .
7 Rain conceded : ‘ He insisted to me that she was too loyal to give anything away . ’
8 She could not tell them that she was desperately in love with Bob Lamb .
9 And when Merrill explained to him that she was here to pay for Elise 's Shaker-style chest Luke Travis 's reaction might betray something .
10 She wanted to assure him that she was n't that kind of idiot .
11 She would have to show him that she was n't quite as helpless and unworldly as he seemed to think !
12 According to her father they discussed the beliefs of the Jehovah 's Witnesses in May or June of this year and she informed him that she was not a Jehovah 's Witness .
13 " You 'll take some treacle tart , " she told Daniel , the set of her pugnacious jaw warning him that she was not asking a question so much as issuing a command .
14 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
15 She had a violent impulse to summon Murphy and go at once to Trelorne and find Michael Swinton , and so strong was this inclination and the need to explain to him that she was personally so very Lyddy before she realized that such an action was only a perfect sequel in childish impetuosity to her former one of agreeing to be painted in the first place .
16 Did n't it matter to him that she was only after his money , that she was far from being the warm , motherly soul that she seemed ?
17 So she did not tell him that she was too shaky later to resume the conversation for a different reason ; she did not describe to him — or to the readers of Blot — what ensued .
18 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
19 Formal education was shelved , which was a relief , because the unctuous kind of diligence expected of her at school had convinced her that she was both stupid and sinful .
20 Ruth had n't the heart to tell her that she was n't welcome in it .
21 It was as if a fall lay within her that she was n't able to make .
22 He had already told her that she was n't his type .
23 She watched as he stretched out his towel alongside her , and it did n't escape her that she was n't the only female on the beach who found him attractive .
24 Juliet tried to reassure her that she was n't any worse than yesterday , and that had to be a good sign .
25 She wished she was n't offended that he did n't rush to assure her that she was n't that bad a waitress .
26 She was tempted to stop and pry , but common sense reminded her that she was n't interested in Dr Miguel Rafaelo , and it would do no good to show curiosity .
27 But today had shown her that she was n't immune to normal natural feelings , and even her imaginery passion for the handsome singer had n't protected her from this very real and very frightening feeling of genuine affection .
28 There was nothing wrong with her that she was not born like .
29 It was clear to the crush of admirers which pressed around her that she was not at her best .
30 It was all Harriet could do not to confront her , have the whole thing out , tell her that she was not prepared to put up with such behaviour any longer , that she might be a war widow with a child , but she was living in her mother 's house and should at least not take such care and help for granted .
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