Example sentences of "[pers pn] was right [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I arrived at the GA European Open , I looked at the list of entrants for the Lancome Trophy to find that I was right at the bottom of the list of qualifiers with one week to go before the final selection .
2 We got , I was right at the front in the balcony .
3 I was right in the middle of a sentence .
4 Our carriage was at the front of the train so that when she got out she was right at the end of the platform beyond the canopy with its wooden fretwork coping , in the middle of fields .
5 She was right at the end when , without warning , she ran full tilt into the arms of the waiting figure .
6 The best man was driving them to the airport for their flight to Greece , and Ellie made sure she was right in the middle of the crowd as they all surged down the front path to wish them bon voyage .
7 It was right over the top of this seat look .
8 It was right through the window , the second pane up on the left hand side .
9 Because of the vast size of it and the difficulty of controlling it when sailing single-handed , the spinnaker was n't a sail he used much and it was right at the bottom at the aft end of the sail-locker .
10 And it was right at the beginning when the demon took over …
11 It was right at the end of the main hunting season , and we had already watched as a group of males had twice unsuccessfully hunted the same group of colobus monkeys that day .
12 A rescue attempt had hitherto been so far at the back of his mind that , if some advanced speculations on the nature and shape of the many-dimensioned multiplexity of the universe were correct , it was right at the front ; but a magic sword was a valuable item …
13 It was right at the back of her mind but she could n't get it out .
14 And , despite what many people say , it was nt while delivering the cross for Sniffers goal — it was right at the very end of 90mins … so noone came on for him when he injured his ELBOW .
15 It was right at the very beginning when you had to ask him about the introduction , I thought you were going straight off from the business card and all the rest of it and what you actually had was your C C Q in front of you because it took you all that time to get round to it .
16 Baffling , this , because it was right on the copy .
17 I remember we cleaned it all up , and it was right on the boundary wall between property and .
18 It was right on the main road and he was there years and years and years
19 it was right opposite the pub now , but that was all fields then were n't it ?
20 It was right outside the Rose Bowl , and I had the lease and everything in my briefcase . ’
21 As it was right across the road from college everyone was hanging out the window to see what was happening .
22 It was right across the road and on the pavement .
23 And it was right near the pier was it ?
24 It was right in the centre of the town , next to the Cathedral , and only two or three minutes walk away from the Sheriff Court .
25 he was right at the height of his Anthony Newley hang-up , so one problem was constantly reminding him that he sounded like Anthony Newley and trying to ‘ de-Newleyfy ’ him if you could .
26 He was right at the end , ’ admits Marjorie Gedge .
27 He shot him when he was right at the top . ’
28 No he was , he was right at the very beginning of the school
29 But undoubtedly he was right on the mark when he wrote in his essay on Thomas Parnell some words which might aptly be applied to many writers at present being collected :
30 With an Auriga fitted to the back of his Swift he was right on the pace at Brands Hatch , qualifying up the grid , only to have his hopes dashed when he was adjudged to have left the pits against a red light during practice .
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